CNN brings on Sean Penn because he’s an expert on… whatever – IOTW Report

CNN brings on Sean Penn because he’s an expert on… whatever

Patriot Retort:

[…] Later in the evening, CNN’s Anderson Cooper did a little of that “empowering the public with information” during his “CNN/Facebook Global Town Hall” on the Wuhan Virus by inviting on world-renowned infectious disease expert Sean Penn.

Just kidding!  Sean Penn isn’t an infectious disease expert.  He’s an actor.

He doesn’t know squat about dealing with a pandemic.

Sure, Sean Penn knows how to find his mark, beat up paparazzi and divorce Madonna.  But other than that.

17 Comments on CNN brings on Sean Penn because he’s an expert on… whatever

  1. Does anyone remember when someone got the Austo-Hungarian measles? How about the Portuguese Flu? What’s next, the Obiden Bama Presidency? What we have here is a failure to call something what it is: the ChiComvirus.

    The first real authority on this pandemic wasn’t Sean Penn, it was a Chinese doctor named Li Wenliang, and he died after trying to alert his countrymen on the Internet to the seriousness of the Coronavirus. He was actually threatened with arrest for making false claims about the spreading pandemic.

  2. Notice how Penn hasn’t been spouting off about how great Venezuela is? Hell, this nasty piece of work doesn’t even have the guts his father did and daddy was a socialist. He ought to go lick a few doorknobs then take a boat to Caracas and take advantage of their health care system. If he can find it that is.

  3. Years ago, sean was going down on his then-wife madonna…suddenly he fell completely inside her…while feeling his way through the dark, he bumps into another dude…the dude says to sean, hey if you help me find my keys, we can drive outta here!

  4. Penn rose to fame on ‘Jeff Spicoli’, a role that was above his intelligence level … & ever since, w/ every utterance from his pie hole, he proves it time & time again


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