CNN Can’t Deny Being Fake News After What One Anchor Admitted On Air – IOTW Report

CNN Can’t Deny Being Fake News After What One Anchor Admitted On Air

I know that we are probably sick to death of CNN and Little Brian Stelter, but this points out something that just flew over my head when I read about his rant during his “Trump is not stable” broadcast.

Trending Politics: CNN continues to claim that they are “fair” and “balanced,” but they will have a hard time denying that they are fake news after what one anchor admitted on air.

During a segment this week on his program “Reliable Sources,” Brian Stelter complained that networks aren’t anti-Trump enough.

Stelter argued that just covering what President Donald Trump says and does is not fair, and that networks should instead cover Trump’s presidency “as a whole” by mentioning his so-called “instability.”

In other words, Stelter was arguing that networks should abandon facts and instead push an agenda to smear the president even more than they already do.

Read more here.

It’s not faaaaaiiiiirrrrrrr! (said in Mark Dice’s whining, sobbing Brian Stelter voice-over)

15 Comments on CNN Can’t Deny Being Fake News After What One Anchor Admitted On Air

  1. hey kids! this week’s buzzword is: ‘instability’

    say it with me! … “INSTABILITY!!!” … very good!

    what does it mean? … well, we’re not really sure, it has something to do with BadOrangeMan, so it has to be baaaaad

    … but it’s a big word, like ‘mayonnaise’ … & it sounds cool too, huh?

  2. Brian will get the free pass he has got the last 4 years from the America hating left/MSM! IF YOU ARE SELLING AMERICA HATE ITIS ALL GOOD! and actually has been for at least 75 years.

  3. I know I am going to be in big trouble for this but I don’t care.
    Every time I see the name Brian Stelter I think of the old tubes of Alka Seltzer.
    Turning him up side down and giving him a full tube in the bung hole and then follow it up with a quart of carbonated water.
    All he does is spew shit.


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