CNN Caught Lying About Having a “Live Interview” – Mark Dice – IOTW Report

CNN Caught Lying About Having a “Live Interview” – Mark Dice

8 Comments on CNN Caught Lying About Having a “Live Interview” – Mark Dice

  1. I wish someone would transcribe the videos…I can’t stand to watch his mannerisms. Same goes with that Paul something something and hannity. I don’t disagree with them, just can’t take the delivery.

  2. One would think that with all the fake news accusations against CNN, they would start a campaign to dispel the controversy.

    CNN instead ignores the situation. As if to say it has no merit, but then they keep getting caught delivering fake news.

    I think this is what society has become, nobody has any shame and they ain’t dintdonuffin!

    I have a personal issue that’s leaning toward a police report. The audacity when confronting the individual left me speechless. It was my fault they committed a felony? Unfortunately, I’m compassionate enough to not want to ruin someone’s already shitty life over a relatively pretty matter. However, that burning inside when they blamed me, I dunno, I can be a pretty big dick too.


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