CNN Complains About the Deportation of Drunk Driving DREAMer – IOTW Report

CNN Complains About the Deportation of Drunk Driving DREAMer

NewsBusters: If there was one thing that our politically divided country could agree on, it was the seriousness of drunk driving. But during Monday’s edition of The Lead, that common understanding took a back seat for CNN as they bemoaned that a so-called “DREAMer” was deported. “Last August [Jorge] Matadamas was charged with drunk driving and evading arrest. While in jail, he lost his DACA status,” reported Polo Sandoval, “[A] program which gave him a chance to live and work in the U.S. After seven months in detention, he was deported.”

CNN’s report came after Attorney General Jeff Sessions threatened to pull federal law enforcement funds to cities that hindered Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. “Now, this is one reason for heightened fears among some undocumented immigrants that they could be next joining thousands of people deported to Mexico this year,” announced fill-in host John Berman, at the top of the segment.  read more

16 Comments on CNN Complains About the Deportation of Drunk Driving DREAMer

  1. Deport the CNN creeps and let them accompany their little illegal back to where he belongs. Then they can all bask in the glory of a third world crap hole together!

  2. You cannot enter Canada if you have had a drunk driving conviction, if you are a guest and get one its one strike and you are out. Is pretty boy Trudeau hater as well?

  3. The lack of the use of logic with these reporters is baffling.
    Entering the country without proper documentation is against the law.
    If that law can be broken without recourse, then why should not that be the case with any other law?

    Since when do the laws not matter?
    These pro-criminal people are insane, no other description will do.

  4. CNN (as well as the rest of the media, the Ruling Class, the Corporate Oligarchs much of the Republicrat Party, and the entire Demoncrat Party) do love them some illegal invaders. DUI? So What? Who Cares? What’s the Big Deal? Everybody doin’ it. Why single out illegal invaders?

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