CNN Considering Keith Olbermann and Brian Williams to Replace Chris Cuomo – IOTW Report

CNN Considering Keith Olbermann and Brian Williams to Replace Chris Cuomo


With the hour once hosted by Chris “Fredo” Cuomo needing to be filled, a long list of hopefuls who want to take the gig.

Unsurprisingly, CNN interviewed two more disgraced losers for Cuomo’s spot.

According to Yahoo News, disgraced former network news anchor Brian Williams and repeatedly fired “sports” commentator Keith Olbermann have also spoken to CNN about coming on as Cuomo’s replacement. More

19 Comments on CNN Considering Keith Olbermann and Brian Williams to Replace Chris Cuomo

  1. 3 question 80 point non-partisan CNN recruiting questionnaire:

    On a scale of 1-10, please rate:

    1) How unrelatable are you?
    2) How much do you hate America?
    3) How vile, hateful, one-sided, and dispicable are you? (please answer 1-40)
    4) How well can you lie with a straight face?
    5) How capable are you of believing our lies as your truth?

    Only those that answer a minimum of 80 are eligible for an interview. That’s how they cut back the “long list of hopefuls.”


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