CNN Defends Its Melania Trump Health Conspiracy Theories – IOTW Report

CNN Defends Its Melania Trump Health Conspiracy Theories

I’m sorry, but those who obsessed over Hillary Clinton’s health should probably spare everyone the lectures about the Melania Trump health coverage.


There are lots of problems with this tweet.

Hillary Clinton was to be the next president of the United States and had chronic coughing fits that prevented her from speaking. She had fallen multiple times, once it prevented her from testifying before congress. When she finally showed up she was wearing prism glasses that correct double vision. At a ceremony on 9/11 she went into a catatonic spasm that culminated in being thrown into the back of a van like a sack of potatoes.

The incuriousness of CNN, and its leftist peers, was curious.

Now CNN has sprung to life and is hot on the trail of Melania, who has exhibited no overt health issues.

This has only emboldened the garbage truck juice MSM to speculate that the “absent” Melania is being abused by Trump.

Yes, this is their theory.


Donald Trump has broken his silence about the conspiracy theories surrounding his “missing” wife, saying she was recovering from surgery and had not been abused or had a facelift, and had neither left the White House or him.

After having not been seen in public for more than three weeks after she underwent kidney surgery, First Lady Melania Trump attended a White House event on Monday evening to honour military families who have lost relatives – so-called Gold Star Families.


But, besides this, I remember a time when the left said that speculating about Hillary’s health was sexist and misogynistic.

Is it only an “ist” when speculating about Hillary or does that rule apply to any woman?

Especially a woman not running for office.

14 Comments on CNN Defends Its Melania Trump Health Conspiracy Theories

  1. Honestly, is it really that strange not to see a First Lady?

    Melania actually reported her procedure/recovery. Hillary has still not come clean about any health issues even though we can clearly see her hobbling around in 100 degree east coast heat in a coat meant for Siberia covering up a back brace or whatever else is going on. She can’t make it up two stairs to a podium without assistance. Your really want to remind us of Hillary’s health?!

  2. OT
    I’m fucking pissed. If you live in California DO NOT use a mail in ballot. I have people contacting telling me that they checked their ballot status on line, and the mail in ballots are all being rejected. Now it’s all over twitter. I just checked mine, not accepted. No reason given. This is voter fraud. California knows most mail in ballots are conservatives. If you live in California check your vote here. Even if you went to a polling place. It will be interesting to see if they are eliminating conservative votes even at the ballot box. I guess you need to be a damn illegal from Mexico for your vote to count,

  3. The Concern Trolls at the Concern News Network are Concerned that Trump is beating his wife. Where was their Concern about Eric Schneiderman?

    Speaking of spousal abuse, anybody remember “Real Stories of the Arkansas Highway Patrol” on SNL? Now, that was some funny stuff.

  4. What evidence is there that PDT has abused or been abusive to women? That’s made up crap. He’s been accused of running around but that is a completely different issue.

  5. The devil has loosed every kind of evil against us. If you understand how he works, none of this comes as a surprise. I was just telling Geoff C. the other day, “What do you think, that the devil flies an airplane across the sky towing a big banner? No! He comes at us through those who have no relationship or a very weak relationship (including ourselves sometimes) with God. So what do you expect?”


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