CNN: Dem Commentator Questions ‘Blackness’ of Trump Supporter – IOTW Report

CNN: Dem Commentator Questions ‘Blackness’ of Trump Supporter


In a heated exchange on CNN on Monday, former Clinton staffer and CNN contributor Keith Boykin questioned whether African-American Trump supporter Paris Dennard was truly African-American.

Boykin attacked Dennard for his support of President Trump, saying, “I’m ashamed that you, as an African-American, will not say that [Trump is racist].”

“I am well aware of my blackness and don’t need you to try to classify me as being [African-American],” Dennard responded.

“Are you?” Boykin yelled back.

“Do not go there,” Dennard warned. “I know what it means to be a black man in this country, and I have experienced racism on a regular basis.”

Boykin questioned Dennard’s experiences, which set the Trump supporter off.  MORE

20 Comments on CNN: Dem Commentator Questions ‘Blackness’ of Trump Supporter

  1. Keith Boykin needs to spit in one of those DNA find your roots tubes and he might find out that he’s about 60% African, maybe less….Also, the African chunk of him might have come to America about 1950….

  2. Paris – upstanding American who happens to be black.
    Keith – nigger who happens to be an American.

    Like I’ve always said, the difference blacks and niggers is their attitude – and niggers come in all colors; even white.


    It’s worse than that. This is a very organized attempt by the same people that have been stomping on Blacks for ever to dissuade them from leaving the Democrat Socialist Plantation.

  4. Everybody in America should have mandatory DNA testing to prove their roots…then they will be issued a DNA ID…. Imagine the conversations….”Mrs. Slosnaski, you seem to be 100% eastern european, but it seems that you dreamed about a little Irish in ya…..and THAT explains yer sons”….

  5. The White woman Rachel Dolezal is Black because she adheres to Leftist constructs regarding Race and Identity. A Black man or woman is not Black if they do not adhere to Leftist ideas.
    Where once they were just misoriented, the Left is now full-on disoriented.
    It’s not about Race. Race is merely the vehicle. It’s about The Revolution.

    Stand firm, brethren.

  6. Did this fag ever question the “blackness” of Rachel Dolezal or Shawn King ??? Fake black heroes of BLM and the leftist scum demorats that happen to as white as a jar of mayonnaise.

  7. If you have never been around blacks much, the colour identification is beyond comprehension.
    Anything lighter than paper bag brown is acting white, anything darker than walnut and you’re stupid.
    The Color Purple

  8. Brad,

    Believe me, I get it. And your right.

    The fact that they are trying to keep them on the plantation tells me that they are losing the battle. Conservatism is making headway.


    “Conservatism is making headway.”

    I’m feeling worse about Conservative Headway than ever. As a group, we continue to underestimate our enemy. Their level of organization is far beyond ours. By nature we are at a disadvantage. Conservatives like truth, logic and freedom. The Libtards don’t hesitate blatant lies to advance their version of the greater good.

  10. Imagine an upside down world AFTER the solar eclipse:
    those wearing black skin today will look white, and those wearing white skin now will look black.
    In that radically different world, what stupid arguments would racists make?!
    What grievances would work then, and will others be reimbursed for lost ‘privilege’?

  11. Brad, I’m going to disagree with you that we are fundamentally at a disadvantage.

    Conservatives all over the country have been meek. Now, before you all jump to conclusions on me using that term think about it. The term “meek” means ‘enduring injury with patience’.

    Conservatives by nature are meek. We put up with a lot of nonsense and we hold our mud, so to speak. Liberals and their ilk misinterpret what meekness truly is and this gives them unwarranted confidence. This is about to end, and it is about to end badly for THEM.

    It’s just a matter of time.

    These people who pull down statues and try to re-write history are about to become part of their own misguided history.

    Therefore I’ll re-assert my original statement: Conservatism is making headway; if we weren’t they wouldn’t have to work so hard to create a new narrative that we are losing.

    Meekness is patience under pressure.

  12. Czar,

    Great article.

    Answer: I will not submit. Islam means submission. Collectivism means submission.

    As an addendum to my previous post on meekness: I’m quoting a passage from the Douay-Rheims Bible regarding Matthew 5:5; “Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.”

    If you believe in God and reject Satan, the word instills confidence.

    The bad guys haven’t got a chance in Hell.

  13. After a good summer week gardening, I get blacker than blue-lips, mom-jeans, sallow-ass Bathhouse Barky ever was.
    But I’ve never collected a penny from government dole-outs, begging or stealing. That’s what reveals me as ‘white privileged’, I reckon.

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