CNN Dope, With a Puss On Her Face, Gets a Dose of Harsh Reality From a Syrian Who Does NOT WANT TO BE A REFUGEE – IOTW Report

CNN Dope, With a Puss On Her Face, Gets a Dose of Harsh Reality From a Syrian Who Does NOT WANT TO BE A REFUGEE

This crunt, desperate for a narrative that disparaged Trump and elevated Obama and Hillary to sainthood, was depantsed on the Tee Vee by a Syrian.

First she tried to get the guy to condemn the missile attacks.

Nope – he said he cried tears of joy when he learned help for Syrians was on its way by way of president Trump.

Clearly pissed, the harpy tried to get the guy to say Trump is horrible because he doesn’t want to let in Syrian refugees.

Nope – the guy said, “I want help in order to stay in my country. We didn’t get any for 8 years under Obama. I don’t want to be a refugee.”

The dopey anchor couldn’t wrap up the interview fast enough, saying, “I understand, I understand.”


ht/ abigail adams

video at The Conservative Treehouse.

22 Comments on CNN Dope, With a Puss On Her Face, Gets a Dose of Harsh Reality From a Syrian Who Does NOT WANT TO BE A REFUGEE

  1. During WWII, French, Polish, and other expats from nazi- occupied countries formed combat units under the umbrella of the British Army, and went back to help liberate their countries. How about we bring back the draft for the “refugees”.

  2. Hey. How bout giving this fine young liberal a few Syrian terrorists to share her life with? Oh, sure, it won’t last more than a day or so, but what the hell. Either this brain dead lib will learn a lesson or she won’t be around any longer to propagate stupidity and insanity. Win-win!

  3. I wonder how many times she’s practiced that look in front of a mirror.
    Male ‘refugees’ should be forced to return to their own country, to at least help clean it up.

    They’re great at raping women, children and goats, but when it comes to fighting for their own country, they are lowly cowards…not even cockroaches look up to them.

  4. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off base.”- President Trump

    Looked like she was sucking limes.

  5. Confucius sez: Stupid CNN echo chamber not good place to know truth of the world or of real conditions in Syria.

    (She was so sure of what her co-workers have been saying all this time, I’m sure she thought the guy was lying.)

  6. “that houri is filth unto Allah. Her dress is that of a whore” – typical Filthy Mohammedan Savage masquerading as a political asylum refugee

  7. I can just imagine to rant she gave the assignment editor, and whoever is responsible for lining up guests for interviews.
    I can image, because I’ve worked along these *professionals*. BTW, in ancient times, calling someone a *professional* was an insult.

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