CNN employee employs hidden camera to expose “news organization’s” agenda to help impeach the president – IOTW Report

CNN employee employs hidden camera to expose “news organization’s” agenda to help impeach the president

11 Comments on CNN employee employs hidden camera to expose “news organization’s” agenda to help impeach the president

  1. Pretty sure the hidden camera wasn’t necessary, it’s been pretty plain to see their agenda since before the inauguration. I guess it’s the thought that counts.

  2. TO Sapper Chris
    It’s not for you and me…it’s done for all those independents and otherwise “moderate” people who pay little to no attention to politics or the drumbeat of Leftist news that goes into their ears.

    It IS a wake up clarion call for them.

  3. Bernie Bros, and gals, ARE PISSED OFF. CNN must have had a segment on “Is age a factor when voting for a president?” and probably quietly trashed Bernie.

    That said this DUUUDE had better beeee careful.

    Remember Seth Rich, always. ALWAYS.

    I LIKE COURAGE. And Balls. And I don’t believe this to be a trap…

    Will this even be seen on the Leftist Networks? That would be a resounding…. Niet!

  4. Certainly not taking anything away from Project Veritas and James O’Keefe but last few exposés have not had the impact as his opening ACORN hit piece. I bet the guy that wore the camera has some former co-workers pissed off at him.

  5. For the first time in years I turned to CNN, couldn’t keep it on there long, but kept checking back in and none of the headlines on the bottom of the screen said anything about the video. Instead it was just like the video, all impeachment, to be fair it was the gay guy Don Lemon.

  6. I just did a search for the video. CNN responds according to a Yahoo article that came up.

    Their defense:
    CNN says none of the people included in a Project Veritas video that purports to expose left-wing bias at CNN are actually CNN journalists.

    But the network said none of the people exposed in hidden-camera footage taken by a “whistleblower” were actually journalists at CNN — including the “whistleblower.”

    The CNN spokesperson said that Neville was only a junior employee at the network, not a journalist, and would not have had access to Zucker or knowledge of the topics in which he was speaking about.


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