CNN Explains That an Apple is a Banana – IOTW Report

CNN Explains That an Apple is a Banana


Sure, President Obama deported more people than Trump, but CNN looks at the ‘context’

All we want is a cable news channel that reports the news, but CNN and company insist that we want panels of contributors and analysts to tell us how to interpret what little they allow to get through in the first place.

We’d thought that Chris Cillizza had the gig of political analyst at CNN, so we were surprised to see that his name wasn’t on this hot take; it’s Zachary B. Wolf telling us that we need to look at the context of deportations under Presidents Obama and Trump to understand why Obama deported so many more people.

Wolf manages to work into his analysis of deportation numbers the tidbit that Trump “infamously called some Mexican immigrants ‘rapists’” — which, as far as we know, no one has disproved, but that line will raise the hackles of those who actually believe Trump called all Mexicans rapists and must assume women are perfectly safe being trafficked to the border through Mexico.

More context: “Interior” deportations — those illegals who’d been here longest and moved inland from the border — were on the downswing during Obama’s administration, but “Trump still has not reached anywhere near the level of interior removals as the early Obama administration, according to Cato’s analysis of data through 2018.”


8 Comments on CNN Explains That an Apple is a Banana

  1. Yeah… I don’t get my news from CNN for the same reason I don’t drink from the toilet! CNN: The Clownfart News Network, where the “news” always smells “funny”!

  2. @TRF
    Now I know why I feel so sick when I sit at the airport gates. It’s because of CNN blasting down at me from the monitors positioned in all directions. I feel like that woman at the detention center – it’s like they are forcing me to drink from a toilet!

  3. The assumption that people are too stupid to understand what’s in front of them is insulting to Americans … to socialists … not so much.

    Socialists (by definition) are too stupid and too lazy to attempt to assimilate the facts of any given situation – and thus, must be spoon-fed a pablum distilled from those facts by their masters who know better.

    In other words: “Fed shit and kept in the dark.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Every time I see this commercial I want to hurl. This is the height of hypocrisy. CNN is the bunch getting their ass sued off for their shabby reporting and lack of fact checking on the Coventry students in Washington D.C. story.

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