CNN Finally Covers Murder Of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant In 200-Word Blurb – IOTW Report

CNN Finally Covers Murder Of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant In 200-Word Blurb


Three days after pressure from conservatives, CNN finally covered the alleged brutal execution-style murder of five-year-old North Carolina boy Cannon Hinnant in a 218-word blurb posted early Friday morning.

On Sunday night, 25-year-old Darius Sessoms allegedly ran up to Cannon while the boy was playing on his bike in his front yard and shot him in the head while his two sisters, aged seven and eight, looked on.

According to a report Thursday night on Fox News, it’s suspected that Sessoms, who lives next door to the victim’s father, was upset that Cannon rode his bike on his lawn earlier in the day.

Medical attention could not save the child and Cannon was pronounced dead at a nearby medical center.

Sessoms was apprehended on Monday and has been charged with first-degree murder.


21 Comments on CNN Finally Covers Murder Of 5-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant In 200-Word Blurb

  1. Tell again why people choose to live with them? I’ve had enough problems with idiot whites and latinos, why throw in violence prone, hair trigger knee-grows who have had hate whitey drummed into their heads for the last 50 years??

    Violent black on white crime is 11x the reverse. You want to talk about muh friends, fine. They’ve got “friends” too.

  2. …were I Cannon Hinnant’s father, there would be no need for arrest or trial, but it would be tough to get Darius’ bloodstains off his front porch when they go to resell the house…

    …sure, CNN would then play me as a rayyycis lyncher or something.

    But politics, at that point, would be someone ELSE’S problem.

    Choosing between centering the deer slug so he couldn’t be saved, or gut shooting him for the slow kill if circumstances permit would be MINE.

    I do not understand these parents who make victim impact statements with their tears well after their child is murdered or raped, when they could go over there and make an IMMEDIATE victim impact statement in LEAD that makes early release impossible as the devil don’t care about COVID.

    You come after my family.

    I come after you.

    Make it about race if you want. I won’t care.

    I will be making it about justice.

  3. This is one saddest things I’ve ever read in my life. How anyone could murder an innocent child in cold blood like this is simply beyond my ability to comprehend. Angels are stout-hearted, but it must make them weep. God help us. Jesus help us.

  4. The temptation is great. Try to resist it. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. Don’t let them divide and conquer us. I won’t make a moral equivalency argument in anyone’s defense, but there is enough evil in this world to go around.

    Something I will observe, however, is both colors — white and black — are too quick to claim a false righteousness and a false pride for good works. But neither will claim the horrific sins of their clans. And, honestly? Black pride and the narrative of the “strong, black man/woman” stands in stark contrast to overwhelming facts regarding their violence and reckless disregard for human life. And that’s not painting with broad strokes — they themselves refer to their “community” in monolithic terms and possessing black skin (no matter what is underneath that skin) confers automatic membership as a “brother” or a “sister.” For decades they’ve closed ranks against outsiders who would dare to accuse one of their members.

    Blacks will take credit for their moral strength and courage, but they refuse to admit the glaring problems in their “community.” It seems that even murder is considered a family issue that outsiders have no business in. And this is the crux of the problem with tribes living in the United States, who want things their way but whose behaviors negatively impact the health and well-being of our entire society.

    I listened to about 3/4ths of this on YT yesterday. Titled “The Most Important Conversation of 2020”. It was a panel of about half a dozen successful, black entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals being asked hard questions about race in America. I would love for someone else here to listen to it — all of it — and let me know what you think.

  5. You know how the left likes to throw around the term “Modern Day Lyncing”? I think this calls for an “Old Fashioned Lynching” done slowly for strangulation then leave hes bony ass hanging for the scavengers to feed on.

    Or dragged through town behind a pick-up truck…give him the choice!

    Either way he ain’t gonna survive!

    And when the BLM asswipes show up to protest…give THEM the same treatment!

  6. AbigailAdams AUGUST 14, 2020 AT 1:42 PM
    “The temptation is great. Try to resist it. Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. Don’t let them divide and conquer us. I won’t make a moral equivalency argument in anyone’s defense, but there is enough evil in this world to go around.”

    …you are absolutely right, AA. Morally, legally, and bilically correct. This IS the essence, the ultimate version, of turning the other cheek. I respect you and all you say here, and what you have said today.

    This also happens to be one of the biggest things I struggle with in MY walk with the Lord.

    It wouldn’t even have to be MY son, if someone executed a 5 year old in cold blood before me, I will swiftly and surely return the favor. To me, this person has forfeited their right to walk among us and is CLEARLY a danger to the rest of the human race that MUST be swiftly excised before he denies anyone ELSE the right to come to the Lord, or even to turn sic. If left unchecked with Man’s justice, he’d likely be let out to vote in November on some COVID pretext, then go out and kill again.

    And I know whereof I speak.

    I know the type. Well.

    I had a chance to end an evil once, by killing it. I’ve documented it elsewhere and more than once on this blog, so I won’t repeat here. I was alone with an injured child rapist, I had a knife, and him basically admitting he did THIS one, and will do it AGAIN.

    And I wasn’t come to the Lord at the time, so I didn’t even have HIM stopping me.

    No, I was simply young and hadn’t had the truth beat into me yet about man’s “justice”, was well aware there was a police car behind us, and was in any case confident that the State, whose colors I was wearing at the time, would deal with his crimes harshly, and he’d NEVER get out.

    …Well, he DID go up the river…

    …and right back DOWN it. Some shyster got him out somehow after a MUCH too short stay at the Rocky Rape Room, and he wasn’t dead when he got out.

    And true to his word as these reprobate minds are when discussing their evil, he DID do it again.

    And that is as far as I’ll EVER take that story. Full stop.

    I COULD have stopped it. I SHOULD have stopped it. But I have always been a healer at heart, not quick to violence, and not glad to do it when violence is necessary. That is a drag on me and will probably get me killed early during the Civil war.

    But in THAT particular case, like an idiot, I trusted OTHERS to do the right thing the right way, to fulfill their oaths even as I did, the just way, and the way that didn’t leave ME serving time for murder, and those OTHERS failed in their duty.

    As they do NOW.

    As they most likely WILL with THIS guy who murdered a 5 year old in cold blood.

    Wait on the Lord, you say. This is the SAME Lord that in Romans 1 says he withdrew His Spirit from them and turned them over to a reprobate mind, to murder and rape without even a concious about it.

    Wait on the Lord, while OTHERS suffer at the hands of these psychopaths, these deviants, these reprobates, some of whom rise to the highest offices in the land.

    You are right, of course. it’s what He SAYS to do. And I’m sure he will, by and by, sometimes after these foul people have lived full lives as Democrat politicans and even been given high honors at State funerals. I’m sure many such are roasting in Hell today, just as He says they will.

    But that does NOTHING about the vapor trails of shattered lives, ruined children, and destroyed communities they leave behind. Nothing to deter the hordes of OTHER evildoers that the Democrats seem to be turning out these days in job lots. Nothing to show that TRUE justice is being done on Earth.

    Wait upon the Lord.

    Truly I struggle with this. And I’m not going to resolve it now.

    My advice to others can only be what you have said. To do the right thing legally, to not take vengance into your own hands to keep from being criminally prosecuted on Earth and from going to hell when you leave. Abigail is absolutely correct about this, she speaks from wisdom and I speak only from anger, from a spirit the devil sends to torment me so I deny myself Heaven and go to hell instead. I am not on a good path here, and I know it, and don’t want anyone else to share my struggles. Do the right thing as Abagail says. It’s the only SURE path to Heaven.

    The Lord wins in the end.

    I can say that.

    But I can only hope and pray that the Lord spares me long enough to actually LIVE it…

  7. Not all lives matter, and not all lives are the same. I’ll take that child’s life any day over the life of the monster that killed him.

    How was he allowed to walk away. How is it that the police had to hunt him down in a different part of town.

    Don’t send the bastard to the electric chair–just bind his hands and feet and give dad 10 minutes with a Louisville Slugger.

  8. @AA – I am listening to it now. I am about 1/3 of the way through and I have some initial thoughts. However, you asked for my thoughts on the entire video, so I will withhold comment until I see the rest

  9. This monster will soon regret shooting a five year old for allegedly riding his bike on his lawn. Darius will be going delirious while all his new friends plow and seed his back forty.

  10. @AbigailAdams August 14, 2020 at 1:42 pm

    Haven’t watched your video yet, but to your comment I say AMEN AMEN AMEN! Among other problems with that racial mindset, tribalism is one of the worst. Violence and volatility rank up there too.

  11. @AA – my thoughts. I need another notepad to put down all of what I heard 🙂
    First, my thoughts on the panelists:
    2 were very positive and didn’t blame others, and actively pressed that others could also be successful (the two in the back row on the left side)
    2 did not say much, though when they did speak, they had carefully thought what they were going to say and it was generally very positive
    2 had actually created their own companies and were very successful, but they still blamed others for problems.
    The last person was the educator. She was the most difficult for me to read. She did lean towards the “poor us”, but she did point out a number of things that people could, and should do to be successful.

    The panel ran the gamut of opinions, which was good to hear. They were all successful, I think 4 of the 7 had actually created their own companies and brands.
    There were 3 – 4 people who were quick to blame others (whites) for the black community not being as successful. That came out in more than one question.
    One of the panelists was adamant that the black people said “we are the most creative and the most artistic” and “we can channel our pain into expression”. He continued on to say that for some reason (victimhood) the black people didn’t own the products that they raised the bar on.
    However, upon further questions and inspired by comments of others, even those admitted that the black community had to work harder themselves.
    3 of the people on the panel definitely believe that equality means equality of outcome, and not equality of opportunity.
    Towards the end, all of them agreed that they were responsible for teaching the next generation and giving them the tools to be successful.
    In the end, I was comforted that even one of the most “I am a victim” gave credit to God and quoted from the Bible.

    Now for my personal opinions:
    The youngest panelist (back left) was 28 years old. If I were still in the business of hiring people, he would have been on the top of the stack.
    I hated that a number of times it was mentioned that blacks have been held down for 400 years.
    It was interesting to watch the body language of the panelists. The most positive were almost always engaged and paying attention. The worst (my characterization, you may disagree) was always defensive when anyone said anything positive about white, successful people, rich people. He would sit back, drop his eyes and cross his arms.

    I did think that they were open and were willing to listen, for the most part. I was very happy to see that there were some that pushed back on the stereotypes, and those were not attacked for their opinions.

    I still have 2 pages of notes, but will leave it at that.


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