CNN Fires Jeffrey Lord For Reasons Only an Idiotic Network Would – IOTW Report

CNN Fires Jeffrey Lord For Reasons Only an Idiotic Network Would


CNN has decided to cut its ties with Jeffrey Lord, one of its only pro-President Trump commentators. The last straw came when Lord tweeted the Nazi salute “Sieg Heil!” during an exchange with Media Matters chief Angelo Carusone, Politico reports. “Nazi salutes are indefensible,” CNN said in a statement. “Jeffrey Lord is no longer with the network.” Lord, however, tells Vox that he was mocking Nazis and Carusone’s alleged “Mussolini-style tactics” to suppress free speech. “I was saying they were fascists modeling themselves after Nazis,” he says.

Lord says he disagrees with the decision, but he wants to thank the network for giving him a platform over the last two years.


They aren’t saying they are offended that they’ve been called fascists, they’re saying the words offend them. Hiding behind this stupid faux outrage, they’re acting like fascists.

You can’t make this stuff up.



4 Comments on CNN Fires Jeffrey Lord For Reasons Only an Idiotic Network Would

  1. (Muslim) “We will kill all the kuffirs!”

    (Non-Muslim) “Hey, that guy just said he wants to kill all the kuffirs!”

    (Police) “Alright buddy, that’s enough hate-speech out of you, off to jail!”

    *Moral of the Story: If you don’t like somebody, everything they say is a crime.

  2. *Moral of the Story: If you don’t like somebody, NOTICING everything they say is a crime.

    Fixed it for you.

    The key to “their” victory (FWIW, “Sieg heil!” merely means “Hail victory!”) is for YOU to remain silent and unaware.

  3. Jeffrey Lord calls into one of our local radio shows once a week and that is how he really came to my attention (I certainly never watched him on CNN). What a great upbeat man with true conservative viewpoints and he really is a Trump supporter. He lives in Harrisburg, PA and drives to NYC when he was to do a show. In other words, he doesn’t live in that sewer of the yeah, yeah MSM. I can’t wait to hear him today.

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