CNN Garbage Truck Juice “Reporter” Denies that the Mueller Investigation is a Fake Allegation in Search of a Crime – IOTW Report

CNN Garbage Truck Juice “Reporter” Denies that the Mueller Investigation is a Fake Allegation in Search of a Crime

Listening to this ahole’s denial that the Mueller investigation is nothing more than a witch hunt in search of a witch, which began because an opposition party had an oddball theory and a phony dossier, is enough for me to wish a massive heart attack, on air.

Too harsh? Wait until he gets to the part where he chuckles at Christopher Ruddy, then you’ll be wishing for blood out the eyes along with the coronary.

18 Comments on CNN Garbage Truck Juice “Reporter” Denies that the Mueller Investigation is a Fake Allegation in Search of a Crime

  1. Hes one of the CNN Agents that was colluding with hitlery, taking bribes and getting stories approved by the dnc.

    The other Agents over at FBI and CIA have blackmail evidence of him raping little boys I’m sure.

  2. Stelter and his ‘reliable’ sources that include Dan Rather and anyone that trashes Trump endlessly. I’d say Trump living rent free in his head is causing some major emotional eating. He is packing on the pounds and looks twice his early thirties age.

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