When Miller was 16 he flipped a table. (Yes, that is the breaking story.)

It’s amazing what reporters can track down within 24 hours.

It’s amazing what they can’t find in 8 years.


  1. Every time it seems CNN and the MSM can’t go lower they somehow find a way to hit a new bottom. This is on par with Romney beating up a kid in prep school. The guy is pure as the driven snow this is all they can come up with.

  2. Liberals want desperately for everyone to forget or ignore their current transgressions (look at Debbie Whatshername Shartz saying the IT thing is only because of skin color or deflecting from the R word) but they go out of their way to point out conservative issues from decades ago.
    Way beyond getting sick and tired of the liberal bullshit.

  3. Table flipping today is a normal behavior. Every 16yo does it out of frustration trying to select one of 67 genders. Except for the heteronormative conservative raised, it’s still bad for them to do it. Hence the story.

  4. Tell’s you just how thin the soup is if this was worth reporting by them. What do these idiots expect to find when they’re looking in the opposite direction?

  5. I had paragraphs written about how CNN is acting because their “reporter” got bitch slapped because he was caught trying to drive an agenda versus reporting the news.

    Tuesday’s response says it best. I will only change it up to “BWahahahahaha!”

  6. They honestly don’t know how bizarr-o they are, do they?

    Can’t wait for these guys to finally throw in the towel when the evidence comes out in trial about Clinton, Obama, Jarrett, Wasserman-Shultz, Comey, etc., etc.

    Did you see the announcement today from DoJ (Sessions and his other guy?) They’ve created an entire crime unit dedicated to leaks and if you think Mueller is on a hunt, I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet. The Deep State is in a tizzy today. Sessions is on the war path.

  7. AA, so you think Jeff (speak softy and carry no stick) Sessions is on the warpath? I sure hope so. I’ve been bad mouthing him for a while now, I’d be the happiest guy in town if he was to prove me wrong.

  8. AA, he has convinced me in the past, I need to see it. Last week he was on Tucker Carlson and more or less said the shit was about to hit the fan on leakers. I got the impression he was about to do more than announce that the DOJ was open for business.

  9. Come on guys, Sessions should have held this press conference an hour after he found where the restroom is in his new office.

    Todays press conference should have been about the charges he was bringing up on Hillary and Podesta.

    To many targets, not enough time.

  10. BB — I get your frustration. I was there this week, too. Red lined.

    I gotta believe that Sessions is going to do it right. He’s going to make any charges stick and then he’s going to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. He and people mean business. You can rub my face in it if I’m all wet.

  11. BB — No, I want you to. I want someone to say, “AA, you’re so Pollyanna, you can’t see straight!” I just have to keep coming back to the fact that Trump knows what he’s doing AND he’s not going to let those around him pull him out of round, if you will. He’s focused, he’s driven and he’ll do the right thing. I believe him when he says he is not ruffled by the pace, the task, or the complexities of everything.

  12. …I think Sessions got Trump’s message loud and clear the last couple weeks. Gotta remember that campaigning is not governing/leading. And I think it’s a testimony to Sessions that he didn’t tuck his tail between his legs and just give Trump his resignation. He’s a tough guy, too, just doesn’t appear to be.

  13. AA
    It’s my understanding you were a head hunter for some big name outfits? I could be wrong. If I’m right would you recommend a guy this FING slow out of the gate to a client? Back when I was high on the hog I hired a sales guy that had a REP like no other in the business. And after the free cars and the per diem, after the strategy meetings, he informs me he’s taking a three week vacation with his family and then he’d get right on it after his return. That was some years ago and I’m pretty sure he’s still trying to get my boot out of his ass. I’m not saying Sessions is that cocky, he’s inept. And the problem with that is, if Sessions was on the attack it would relieve pressure off DJT. It’s just that simple and that’s why DJT is saying What The Fuck dude, thought you had my back.

  14. That’s funny Brad, I have given up trying to find a salesman that is willing to base their pay on performance. 401k, company car, health insurance, life insurance, 2 weeks vacation after 90 days. Dammit, I’ll do it myself.

  15. joe6pak

    Fought that battle. It’s a losing proposition with those fucking prima donnas. The one I addressed above I had to fire or Michelle was going to kill him. LOL

  16. BB — Yeah, see. You’re absolutely right. I don’t have his resume in front of me, but if I were to make a hiring decision based on six months of performance, I’d give him the boot. And, like Trump, I was not happy with 1) his caving to ridiculous allegations during the confirmation hearing, and 2) his recusing himself on Russia. He should have come out swinging. He should have been anticipating those stupid questions (based on NOTHING)! Cripes! He had to have someone else (Ted Cruz?) come to his defense. And Trump was right to be pissed off; Sessions knew he was going to recuse himself before he took the oath of office and didn’t say a word to his new boss. That’s enough, right there, to get yourself fired.

    See? I’m being willfully Pollyanna on this. Can’t help feeling that Trump is still going to land on his feet. I think Sessions (naively) thought no special counsel was going to find anything on Russia, anyway. Go figure.

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