CNN Hasn’t Updated Their Election Map for Months – IOTW Report

CNN Hasn’t Updated Their Election Map for Months

PJ Media

It’s been over two months since CNN launched its inaugural “Road to 270” election projection map, in which the pro-Biden network conceded that Donald Trump had “enough states solidly in his corner or leaning in his direction to put him in a position to win the presidency again.” More

7 Comments on CNN Hasn’t Updated Their Election Map for Months

  1. Like there is a burning need for accuracy at the Clownfart New Network
    (where all the “news” smells funny!

    Everybody know in 8 months they’ll be pulling the 2024 final result map out of their collective asses!

  2. They started with a map of the worst-case scenario for Biden, hoping that they could show a visual narrative of incremental loss of territory for PDT. The map was not based on any “science” or all that other crap they claim to have used. It was a fake scenario, meant to frighten and galvanize Dem voters into action.

    Unfortunately for them, their nightmare fantasy map is all too real, but they can’t just take it down. Nor can they fake favorable updates for Biden, because he’s obviously only getting worse. And nobody in the GOP was able to put a dent in Trump.

    So they’ll just leave it up, untouched and unmentioned, in the hope that Biden will somehow be replaced, and they can put up a new fantasy map for Mooch or whoever.

  3. And yes, election fraud is the 800-pound gorilla in the room, but CNN still has to pretend our elections are Free & Fair.

    And yes, I know there is another gorilla in the room. But they have to get rid of Biden first, and it may not want to be President.


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