CNN Host Calls President a “Piece of Sh*t” – IOTW Report

CNN Host Calls President a “Piece of Sh*t”

22 Comments on CNN Host Calls President a “Piece of Sh*t”

  1. When Dan Rostenkowski was a big shot congressman he required a “going rate” charitable donation for a tv appearance. A sliding scale cost for the administration’s appearances may make these rats a little better behaved in the future.
    Oh and suspend CNN’s press pass till they get their mind right.

  2. Greazy Assclown… a jackass that eats human brain and agori penis is passing judgment on another human being. … lol. Sorry Greazy but you are a dick and nobody cares what you think.

  3. Be careful Renza – uncontrolled outbursts are the first symptoms of Cruetzfeld-Jacob’s Disease – an incurable brain eating disease that comes from… Eating brains.

  4. President Trump needs to announce that for the good of CNN, and as a charitable act, the WH will no longer expose CNN to what they perceive as distasteful, harmful, or abhorrent,

    CNN will be relieved of having to attend any further press functions of President Trump or members of his administration.

    Having decreed that, President Trump should state that he feels comfortable that CNN’s integrity, ethics, or ability to report as usual, will NOT be jeopardized, because CNN has its ‘anonymous’ sources upon which to keep churning out their reports.

  5. Ok, final straw. CNN is now a network where Jihadi employees use scatological insults against office of POTUS.

    Start with pulling their WH press credentials. No admission for, oh, 60 days. No travel either.
    No appearances by any Federal official in any capacity. Indefinitely.
    No need to reply to CNN calls or inquiries.

    Next, have the FCC proceed with Unbundling Cable. Let CNN and the other Lefty news channels stand or fall by consumer choice.
    Free market.

    I’m also ready to see the WH move the Press out of the free WH office space. Ignore the WHCA for the next 8 years. And stop free travel. Let them scurry to make their own arrangements.

    The Leftist Press betrayed its trust. Now, pay the price.

  6. Rufus, if you haven’t already you need to suggest this on the WH website. We need this admin to keep the pressure on the propaganda machine.
    I suggested they stop funding for Calif when brown called Trump a deviant.

  7. Reza Aslan, you are a piece of s**t eating crap! Never heard of you before. I have some friends from Iran, good people and they think you are scum as well.

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