CNN Insists ‘Monkeypox Is NOT a Sexually-Transmitted Infection’ – IOTW Report

CNN Insists ‘Monkeypox Is NOT a Sexually-Transmitted Infection’

Newsbusters: CNN climbed up on its politically-correct soapbox on Monday’s New Day with the subject being monkeypox thanks to this declaration from CNN national correspondent Dianne Gallagher that, in no uncertain terms, “monkeypox is NOT a sexually-transmitted infection.”

Showing just how woke she was, Gallagher even lectured the Biden administration as to how it must handle the outbreak: “If the Biden administration wants its outreach to be a success, celebrating [pride] while educating, without discriminating, is the only way to approach it.” There’s a problem, however, with Gallagher’s self-righteous spiel. All the data indicates that the overwhelming number of cases occurs among men who have sex with men. more here

27 Comments on CNN Insists ‘Monkeypox Is NOT a Sexually-Transmitted Infection’

  1. The stigma over the LGBTQIA++ community is at this point entirely self created, developed and maintained. Certainly many men feel a sense of revulsion regarding male homosexual’s sexual practices, but beyond that very natural sense any stigma is directly related to observed behavior of the individuals so stigmatized. Certainly the mishandling of the HIV situation ought to have taught us the futility of appeasing a disease spreading loudmouthed minority.

  2. Walter Johnson
    AUGUST 23, 2022 AT 3:44 PM
    “The stigma over the LGBTQIA++ community is at this point entirely self created, developed and maintained. Certainly many men feel a sense of revulsion regarding male homosexual’s sexual practices, but beyond that very natural sense any stigma is directly related to observed behavior of the individuals so stigmatized. Certainly the mishandling of the HIV situation ought to have taught us the futility of appeasing a disease spreading loudmouthed minority.”

    It wasn’t the fags themselves that mishandled AIDS, it was none other than a 35 year younger Fauci himself at the helm, then as now, using disease to gain power. The devil is not creative and always repeats.

    And Fauci is of the devil.

  3. Self-identified men who have sex with other men?
    As Dr. John Becker once asked about M2F trannys who become Lesbians – “Tell me there’s not a wasted step in there somewhere.”

  4. Slightly off topic, but something I thought of today: So-called “transgendered” men (who think they are women) would be much more acceptable if they’d do a campaign with this as a tagline: “Finally, a woman who thinks exactly like a man.”

    Huh? Huh? Amiright?

  5. “CNN Insists ‘Monkeypox Is NOT a Sexually-Transmitted Infection’ ”

    Is Monkey Pox a message from God? It could be. I think it is. Let’s see CNN argue with him. I have not a doubt in my brain that Don Lemmon is preparing to debate him.

  6. Fact is that CNN (et al) have long ago thrown in with the sinister Phake Pharma and conspiring democrat party by priming up Americans to take some bogus( again) vaccine and denying that monkeypox is an std-venereal disease spread around by homos and bisekuals. That children are being found to have the disease translates to them being victims of rape and molestation by homos and bisekuals.

  7. All the data indicates that the overwhelming number of cases occurs among men who have sex with men.

    And all the rest — of every age and species — are having sex with “men who have sex with men”.

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