Rand Paul Explains What Fauci’s Retirement Means for Pandemic Accountability – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Explains What Fauci’s Retirement Means for Pandemic Accountability

Katie Pavlich: Republican Senator Rand Paul is vowing to continue his investigation into dangerous gain-of-function research and Dr. Anthony Fauci after the longtime bureaucrat officially announced his retirement Monday morning.  

Earlier this year, Dr. Paul cornered Fauci for using taxpayer resources and his position to retaliate against scientists who disagreed with him. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci testified in front of the Senate Health Committee Tuesday morning and was corned by Senator Rand Paul, who is also a doctor, for engaging in retaliation tactics against Ivy League scientists who disagreed with him about the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. 

“Your email exchange with Dr. Collins, in which you conspired, and I quote here directly, to do ‘a quick and devastating published takedown’ in order to discredit three epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford,” Paul said, presenting Fauci with his own emails. “[The] idea that a government official like yourself would claim unilaterally to represent science and that any criticism of you would be considered a criticism of science itself is quite dangerous…It is cheap politics and it is reprehensible.” MORE

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