CNN Isn’t Fake News? – IOTW Report

CNN Isn’t Fake News?

Well, how do they explain this?

29 Comments on CNN Isn’t Fake News?

  1. Serious Questions: Is Scott Pelly of CBS a fucking robot? Was he built in Japan and shipped over to CBS, or is it American made? The fucking guy is dryer and more boring than listening to a dick at the 19th hole describing every fucking shot he took, and what club he used, for eighteen fucking holes. To me, that is the boreingist thing. But Scott Pelly beats it. Pelly is of the future.

  2. I remember back in the sixties, camera men selecting guys with blood on their head to walk by the camera several times until they got it right. That’s when cops used to crack heads. Fakes.

  3. Moe Tom, remember the burning Lockheed C-130 pictures behind Cronkite night after night, even though there was only ONE aircraft ever shot down? That pompous ass would drone on, “Siege at Khe Sanh, day 92…” with yet another view/camera angle of that one and only burning C-130 Hercules. Fake news fifty years ago from, “the most trusted man in America.”

  4. It started with Dam Blabber then we got Tom BrokenJaw now it’s Lesser Holdit and Sont Smelley. So much fake news we can’t believe them anymore. Along with the everyday irrelevant protest every day the left has lost all credibility.

  5. @ Joe from Nola
    You got that right. The pallys are experts at this propTac. They wrote the book. And Sandy Hook. How many times did they have to evac the same kids out of that horrible school massacree? Yanno, the one where the school wasn’t even open, due to asbestos fears, which is why they rebuilt it in the first place….oh freakin’ never mind.

    OFA in action. Bammys bitches. Speaking of which, when do we declare open season on those dumbflarks? Starting with the perps. Rules for a good target. 1. All black clothing, 2. Mask on face to disguise ID (chickenshit little cowards). 3. little black knapsack with rocks, hammer, pepper spray, and bottle of gasoline. Bonus points for miss-spelled protest sign.

  6. Speaking of Wag The Dog…Brian Williams looks like he’s aged 30 years since his overdue fall from grace. Has that ashen, weakened-heart look you see in bureaucrats.

    “There is no difference between good flan and bad flan. And there are no nuclear weapons in Albania”.

  7. The Islamic Cloning Center today admitted that several centers had been hit by hostile fire from American Pig-dogs, and those Israelis, who are descended from Monkeys and use unholy trickery to guide their missiles.
    Luckily several units of the unusually fertile ‘Fatima’ model were rescued from the rubble.

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