CNN Lost Over Half its Viewers Since Trump Left Office – IOTW Report

CNN Lost Over Half its Viewers Since Trump Left Office

Neon Nettle-

Far-left propaganda network CNN has lost over half of its viewers since President Donald Trump left the White House in January, according to the latest figures.

Since Joe Biden was sworn into office on Inauguration Day, CNN has been hemorrhaging viewers in multiple categories.

The “news” network, which has spent years feeding off its anti-Trump agenda, has seen viewership in the key advertising demographic plummet by a staggering 60 percent under Biden.

Amid a brief post-election spike, CNN thrived while attacking President Trump during his final three weeks in office.

In the first three weeks of 2021, CNN averaged 2.2 million viewers.

However, its average has bombed to just one million viewers since Biden took office – a monstrous decline of 54 percent. more

16 Comments on CNN Lost Over Half its Viewers Since Trump Left Office

  1. Along with what can be seen with our own eyes and ears, and witness first hand with Project Veritas, this is simply more proof that they were never in it for the ratings! CNN, the Clownfart News Network (where the “news” always smells funny) is a key part of the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media obligated to shove mis-information, dis-information and propaganda down our throats and up our asses!

  2. Let’s see if we can figure out what all those no longer watching are doing with all that extra free time.

    — Chewing their toenails

    — Nibbling on the Cheeto dust they found in their navels

    — Making busts of Karl Marx out of tofu

    — Writing fan letters to Alec Baldwin, Rob Reiner, Cher, and Michael Moore

  3. Great, but don’t tell me FOX didn’t take it up the ass as well.

    I want to see Chris Wallace ass raped by a Grisly Bear and shit out of an alligator.

  4. Here’s an idea for cnn. Take all those monitors from peoples resting and waiting areas and move them to toilets, latrines’.
    I accidently found out crap is leaving my body much easier and faster accompanied by voices of your talking heads.
    p.s. “potato head” voice does miracles.

  5. And they shut down their airport soapboxes on March 31st. What a glorious time to be alive. But I’ll probably never get to witness that glory, because the next time I want to fly, the fascist airlines will all require jab cards or be busy carrying chalk dust up to the stratosphere for Bill Gates.

  6. Hard to believe that there are that many retards.
    I guess in a nation of 350 million, 2.2 million ain’t so bad.
    Still, 0.006% of the population voluntarily subject themselves to the lies, distortions, mis-directions, propaganda, and filth?

    Wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …


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