CNN Medical Analyst and Former President of Planned Parenthood Dr. Leana Wen Says She Was Wrong About Covid – IOTW Report

CNN Medical Analyst and Former President of Planned Parenthood Dr. Leana Wen Says She Was Wrong About Covid


CNN medical analyst and former president of Planned Parenthood Dr. Leana Wen admitted Tuesday that masking her son during the COVID-19 pandemic stifled his language development and social life.

Wen wrote that she won’t be sending her kids to school in masks this fall in an op-ed for The Washington Post, despite previously being an ardent supporter of strict pandemic measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. 

“It became clear that the goal I’d hoped for — containment of covid-19 — was not reachable. This coronavirus is here to stay,” Wen wrote of the Omicron variant outbreak. “With this new, indefinite time frame, the benefit-risk calculus of mitigation measures shifted dramatically. I was willing to limit my children’s activities for a year or two but not for their entire childhood.”


OHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So now you’ve learned what the “dumb right” knew all along, and you want what, a cookie?

You should slink away in shame. But you won’t. You’ll still appear on the tee vee as if you’re something special. The thing of it is, you are special. You’re a special kind of shithead. We’ve had them here at iOTW.

25 Comments on CNN Medical Analyst and Former President of Planned Parenthood Dr. Leana Wen Says She Was Wrong About Covid

  1. She is a complete idiot.

    Affirmative action diversity social promotee lightweight.

    A mentality intellect arrogance and self-importance not greatly different than most mds, as the ‘Covid’ lie and hoax has shown. At least 90% of these poseurs swallowed it hook line and sinker and wanted to shove it all down our throats via police state tactics.

    I despise these people.

  2. “Tuesday that masking her son during the COVID-19 pandemic stifled his language development and social life.”

    Oh booo whooo that it stifled your kids language development. Did you give him the jab too? He might drop dead any day along with yourself. You’re the last cun* I want to hear say “I was wrong.” Good, can we now eliminate you from ever hurting another person. Dr stands for Death Raptor, that’s who you are. If I heard you all died one day apart, I’d be celebrating every day until I die myself. You ruined not only your kids life, but millions more. Look at yourself in the mirror you murderer. President of Planned Parenthood? You didn’t plan so well did you?

  3. And so it goes! This foreign jerkface, who is responsible for millions of infant deaths, is worried about her own precious brat who she selfishly kept away from her own executioners forceps!

  4. Proving once again, everything from mainstream outlets is 100% fake and gay, without exception. No, they will never learn, it’s onto the next new thing to harp about how to ruin your life until they are “mistaken” again and again and again and.. ya know, at some point you’d think it would become criminal. Funny how “the science” is settled the entire time goons drone on about how they know best.

  5. Fuck you lady… You should have a mask stapled to your face for the lies you told. Now after making other people’s children suffer, you pivot; so your kids don’t have to suffer. Fuck you and die, cunt.

  6. She also was a regular on TV expressing this sentiment all through 2021: “I think we really need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American,” said Wen. “If you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated.”

    We can’t just let them rewrite history and pretend they see the light. Mistakes were made lets move on. They ruined untold people’s lives with their tyranny – they need to be held accountable.

  7. So now that you admit to being totally wrong about many aspects of COVID, one of the biggest story in American history, how will you make amends .. to the people you demonized for not getting vaxxed .. to people who died or were seriously injured because they were pressured into taking the vaxx .. to people who never got the chance to comfort dying parents or dying spouses. Oh, you just made amends did you?

    Now that you know you can make mistake, perhaps you’re mistaken about Roe v Wade. Thats the ruling that pretends that the 10th Amendment doesnt really mean what it says and that the 9th Amendments has “emanating penumbras” that allow it to mean anything demonic proggs need it to mean

  8. Your son can never get those years, and the development that happens during those years, back. Many sons and daughters can never get those years back thanks to medical hacks like you. I hope the dirty money you earned was worth it.

  9. politicians, doctors, & the media all colluded to kill you
    they all KNOWINGLY committed crimes against humanity for money
    there’s a reason the public school system doesn’t teach kids about the nuremberg trials

  10. “She’s one of the ugliest people I’ve ever seen.”

    Lol, my thoughts exactly, then again she’s a libtard…they generally are. Her huge gums make her teeth look like those tiny-size Chicklets.

  11. This CCP operative will always be known as ‘WUHAN WEN’. Also a fact is that the CCP absolutely hate black and hispanic people which was insidiously advantageous to Planned Parenthood’s exterminating of those babies under the masquerade of “abortion rights”. Keep in mind that the Denocrat Party is also built on the sinister creeds of racism and black-hispanic annihilation, which WUHAN WEN promoted.

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