CNN's Clarissa Ward reporting from Afghanistan: "If this isn't failure then what does failure look like?"
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) August 19, 2021
23 Comments on CNN on Biden’s Leadership- “If this isn’t failure, what does failure look like?”
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And NOOOOOOOOBODY knows “FAILURE,” like CNN!!! 😆
If they are turning on Biden, it’s only part of a plan to put someone in who is worse for America.
Own it bitches. You helped the lying election stealing Dirty Dems so much of what’s happening is on you.
“If this isn’t failure, what does failure look like?”
…revist that question when war goes nuclear over Taiwan and Tokyo and all its citizens are vaporized, as the Chinese have promised…
…that’s when you’ll see what failure looks like, when it looks like an all-consuming ball of fire and the whole world gets to taste the failure in every breath of radioactive fallout…
…but hey, no more mean tweets, amirite?
…thanks, Democrats.
Thanks, rinos.
Thanks, John Roberts.
…and know that the Reaper wont spare YOU, though, too bad many will not live to see the exotic cancers consume you as you shit and vomit blood as well, but we can at least die knowing it WILL come to pass and that no amount of CNN lies or corrupt courts
orblackmailed former vice presidents will save you…
Without actually saying it, they’re admitting President Trump wasn’t a failure.
Have they looked in the mirror!!!
All part of the plan.
What is next, Marshall Law, detention (reeducation) camps?
You don’t need your guns, we’ll protect you.
Go Army is recruiting.
Internment/Resettlement Specialist
Boxcar Specialist.
Not just a Hobo anymore!
I’m sorry it’s going down this way, but the Global Leftists, MSM & CNN, American Soccer Moms, and every Donkey loving fool that voted for that idiot own this.
DHS List Of Terror Threats
“anti-government rhetoric” “opposition to COVID measures” like masks and vaccine measures.”
Civilian internees are civilians who are interned
during an armed conflict, occupation, or other military operation
for security reasons, for protection, or because he or she has
committed an offense against the detaining power.
Hey cnn – you stupid f–ks… Look at his 48 year history. It’s failure, after failure, after failure…..
And you participated in the fraud against America by jamming this imbecile down our throats!
When the time comes for justice you will all be found complicit!
“There is no widespread evidence of election fraud.”
That statement repeated by EVERY local ‘newscaster’, small town paper editor, CNN anchor, CBS/NBC/ABC employee and EVERY anti-Trump politician from Somali illegals to Lynn (Dick’s daughter) Cheney……
THAT THERE IS FAILURE. Failure to harbor ANY integrity.
If war comes, don’t expect it to go as you cretins planned. The pyramid of Civilization has been trashed. Get ready of Chaos.
Leadership?!!!! The guy couldn’t lead a sing a long never mind a country!!! Oh yeah CNN ….congratulations on recovering from your coma.
The theme song of the Pedo Biden generation…
“Tomorrow soon turns into yesterday.
Everything we see just fades away.
There’s sky and sand where mountains used to be.
Time drops by a second to eternity.
It doesn’t matter if we turn to dust;
Turn and turn and turn we must!
I guess I’ll see you dancin’ in the ruins tonight!
Dancin’ in the ruins!
Guess I’ll see you dancin’ in the ruins tonight!
There’s laughter where I used to see your tears.
It’s all done with mirrors, have no fears.
There’s nothing pure or sacred in our time.
The nights we spend together are no crime.
It doesn’t matter if we turn to dust;
Turn and turn and turn we must!
I guess I’ll see you dancin’ in the ruins tonight!
Dancin’ in the ruins!
Guess I’ll see you dancin’ in the ruins tonight!
Like marble statues all with gold inlaid
In castles built of silence, let us play.
Even though our skulls rot in our flesh.
We can build a laser, tear the mesh.”
-Blue oyster cult, “Dancing In The Ruins”
(Sorry, no cowbell)
It’s time for the Dems to bring out the 25th amendment like that long hooked pole like they use to drag actors off stage.
Kamala…it is with great sadness… giggle, giggle 🤭
I daydream my way through this nightmare by believing Trump is so wealthy and powerful he could put his own strike team together to jump in and get our people out of there. And take out a couple thousand Taliban in the process.
Voting has consequences. Own it CNN.
To heck with there, Brown Eyed Girl. How about HERE?
Failure looks like Clarissa Ward in a hijab saying the Taliban seems friendly.
careful what you wish for
you may just get it
“If this isn’t failure what does failure looklike”?
Orange man bad!
Fuck yeah!, Jethro.
It’s a fail because it went on too long without a win. Like Vietnam.
Why anyone could condone 20 years in Afghanistan is beyond my understanding.