CNN Panel Explodes When Guest Reveals Which Other Prez Had Same Transgender Military Policy as Trump – IOTW Report

CNN Panel Explodes When Guest Reveals Which Other Prez Had Same Transgender Military Policy as Trump


A CNN panel erupted on Wednesday over President Donald Trump’s decision to ban transgender Americans from serving in the military — especially when former President Barack Obama was brought into the mix.

Republican strategist Matt Schlapp responded to New York Democrat Christine Quinn’s condemnation of Trump’s new policy by pointing out that Obama had the same exact policy in effect for years.

“Christine is being very rough on Barack Obama,” Schlapp said sarcastically. “I can’t believe she just said he was — that it was disgusting discrimination. … For seven-and-a-half years of the Obama administration.”

Quinn shot back, “But he’s not president anymore. He did the right thing at the end.”

“I appreciate that you’re passionate on this issue, it is a very touchy issue, I get it. But for seven-and-a-half years of the Obama administration, this was the very same policy,” Schlapp responded. “When General [James] Mattis came into the Pentagon, he asked for an internal review. All the reports that I have read online is that there was a lot of pushback from the services on this policy change.”

Schlapp then reiterated Trump’s argument that taxpayers shouldn’t “foot the bill” for transgender individuals’ reassignment surgeries.

It only got more heated from there. Needless to say, they didn’t find common ground.

20 Comments on CNN Panel Explodes When Guest Reveals Which Other Prez Had Same Transgender Military Policy as Trump

  1. So, hopefully, criminal ‘Chelsea’ Manning won’t be treated to a sex change operation at taxpayers expense, now.

    I love the way President Trump announced the policy by Twitter. It’s the first time I understood where the name ‘twitter’ originated, because it sure sent the left into a ‘twittering’ meltdown.

  2. Gays wanted to be in the military for 2 reasons:

    1. They wanted to be around other men.

    2. They wanted Uncle Sam to pay for their expensive diseases and ailments they carry around.

    I can’t believe TRANNIES are even in our political debates now. Sheesh, we are a long way from normal.

  3. Yeah Right Bitch, He Did The Right Thing at The End . He Knew it Couldn’t Explode on His black Ass, So He Was Popular on Paper For His Big Effort !
    With Healthcare He Bathed in It’s Popularity, Knowing The Baloon Would Pop Months After His Departure ! He Used Two Thigs that Would SCREW America , and Make Him “A Magic Negro” !!! Couldn’t make it up if you Tried !

  4. Brilliant Trump has the MSM and celebrity liberals playing right into his hands by promoting all this outrage for an inane issue the majority of America agree with Trump. And pimping out the *retired* Seal that looks like a guy they just pulled out of a Gold’s Gym, slapped a wig and lipstick on that looks like he should be showing up at a Halloween costume frat party to denounce this when HE was a HE when he served just further drives home how ridiculous this is. And I’m sick of hearing we have to protect them – how about protecting the other 99.07% of the population/service members that aren’t f-d in the head.

  5. Hey Christine, which President was against gay marriage before he was for it?

    I know, I know…he did the right thing in the end. That guy sure liked to do things in the end, didn’t he?

  6. We’ve seen this sacrifice of normalcy on the altar of compassion in every aspect of society and what has it gotten? Cities besieged by generations of parasitic, illiterate, violent feral thugs one dare not criticize. Campuses full of intolerant, indoctrinated, unacomplished useful idiots. Millions of drug dependent comfortably supported with food, housing and medical care by the safety net the dwindling responsible working Americans are burdened to pay for. $110 billion annual expense to care for other countries people squatting here illegally.

    No, I’m tired of overturning thousands of years of civilization refining what works for the best interest of all so that a handful of misfits can feel smug.

    Life isn’t fair and being happy is one’s own responsibility.

  7. Oba’s executive order wasn’t supposed to take effect until July 2017.

    When asked about homos in the military, and women in combat during confirmation hearing he said,

    “we have to stay focused on the military that is so lethal that, on the battlefield, it is the enemy’s longest day and worst day when they run into that force.”

    So he delayed implementation of trannies for 30 days for a study. The results showed trannies could not contribute to battle readiness. He told the president.

    Still winning!

  8. You want to make proggy splodey heads? Point out that one of the first politicians to advocate for gays in the military was Dick Cheney. (I believe Barry Goldwater did also.)

  9. Did you see where Lady Gaga tweeted in support of PDT?

    “Sincerely, did you know of the group you singled out today, 45% of them ages (18 to 24) have attempted suicide already?”

    Brilliant, m’lady!

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