CNN Panel Hating What Time Magazine Writer Is Telling Them About the Biden’s Corruption – IOTW Report

CNN Panel Hating What Time Magazine Writer Is Telling Them About the Biden’s Corruption

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11 Comments on CNN Panel Hating What Time Magazine Writer Is Telling Them About the Biden’s Corruption

  1. Clearly Hunter is guilty and that his father used his position to threaten the head of a foreign government to lay off. Both are felonies that Obama must have been aware of. Where is the media today? Why, they’re going after Trump who has the audacity to ask that same government to investigate a crime. There’s no political intent here because Trump knows he can destroy that idiot Biden in an election. When the SHTF I hope it’s the journalists are put against the wall first as they are most responsible for where the US finds itself today.

  2. Interesting that the same democrats who wanted Trump investigated for firing Comey (Obstruction of justice!), and wanted Trump investigated when Trump said he wanted to fire Mueller (Obstruction of justice!) are silent on Vice President Biden’s quid-pro-quo demand to fire the prosecutor who was going to investigate his son.

  3. The Clintoons perfected this kind of ‘non provable’ influence peddling. It looks like the Bidens took notes, but they may have missed some of the finer points. The Quid, the Pro, the Quo, all stand out in high relief here, and with daddy Joe threatening the Ukes to ditch the prosecutor (who may have been demanding payment from one or both Bidens to allow the scam to continue) or lose the money all the dots just connect.

    That said, Biden is a card carrying member of the deep state democommunist cabal so… nothing is going to happen over this. Nothing at all. We live in the world’s largest banana republic.


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