CNN Pissing Pants, Informs Their Audience That Trump Can Still Win This – IOTW Report

CNN Pissing Pants, Informs Their Audience That Trump Can Still Win This

ht/ woody

12 Comments on CNN Pissing Pants, Informs Their Audience That Trump Can Still Win This

  1. Potential path to victory:
    – An election is held
    – People witness a lot of irregularities in the voting
    – Thousands of mail-in ballots can’t be tied to an actual voter
    – People swear under penalty of law if they lie that they witnessed illegal stuff
    – Examination of voting records impossible because some counties shredded them once the election was held (violation of law?)
    – Examination of some electronic records and other data show things that are basically impossible in a non fraudulent election
    – Non-legislators changed the rules to relax the law, which are violations of the law
    – Unable to verify that a valid election was help the Republicans file lawsuits and have to prove, via the lawsuit, that it has merits.

    If the lawsuits have merits, if they can prove that illegal acts were conducted for the voting, and that a lot of votes were illegally/fraudulently cast, then that is the path for Trump to be re-elected. If they can’t prove their case then Hiden Biden and Heels Up Harris will take the office on Jan 20 of next year.

  2. He has two public paths – the courts/SCOTUS and the republican legislatures. He has a third path he would not like to be the path to win, that is the foreign interference path. Not many are talking about that or all the changes Trump is making at the DNI, Dept of Defense, etc.


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