CNN poll: Joe Biden’s economic performance is worse than Jimmy Carter’s – IOTW Report

CNN poll: Joe Biden’s economic performance is worse than Jimmy Carter’s


Issues of inflation and the oil supply that the Carter administration faced, are mirroring the dilemmas mounting against President Biden in the polls now.

The newest update from CNN is critical of Biden’s performance on the economy. Their framing on the topic pairs President Biden with the tenure of Jimmy Carter during the 1970s. A sort of comparison that previously the left wasn’t forthcoming in making when describing the current White House’s performance.

According to CNN’s latest in-house poll, they have 44 percent who approve of Biden’s “economic performance,” versus 55 percent who disapprove, with a minus-9 point spread for the net approval. more

21 Comments on CNN poll: Joe Biden’s economic performance is worse than Jimmy Carter’s

  1. 42% of the present population wasn’t born when that asshole was President.
    So the comparison is largely meaningless to a huge mass of nose-pickers – might as well compare Joey’s bullshit to James Knox Polk’s.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anyone remember the statement “It’s the economy, STUPID” that was directed at Bush Senior?
    Yes, I remember Carter (that is why I’m a lifelong Conservative now) but Bush ran Reagan’s economy into the dirt, thus giving us Clinton and the weaponized government we cannot stand!

  3. Jimmy Carter was a nice guy. Not too bright and incompetent as hell, but nice. How he kept from sinking the sub is beyond me, but I digress. Jackass Joe on the other hand is a lame-brained, feckless, reckless, blustering, bragging, cheating, stumbling, bumbling, loathsome, amoral, out-of-touch, shame gland missing, mendacious, greedy, venal, obnoxious, horrible, ornery, perverted, vile, vulgar, hypocritical, demented fuckstick, which is why they have to keep Walter in the box until it’s time to prop him up in front of an audience! They don’t dare let him go off script! When they installed this asshole I knew immediately that Jimmy (and the Øbamboozler too for that matter) had achieved absolution from the moniker of Worst President Ever.

  4. TRF, what was your first clue about joey? Carter snookered all the Christians (the Moral Majority) in 76 to vote for him including myself by pretending to be a good Christian. He also gave us the Ayatollah in Iran because the Shah was such a bad guy and human rights violator. And if I remember right my wife and I paid at least 15 to 18% interest on our first house which we bought in the late 70’s.

  5. geoff – My first clue was decades ago when I first saw this lying, blowhard asshole on the TV news! Then every time he got on his soapbox for whutever reason he confirmed and reinforced my thoughts on him!

  6. At least you gotta admit… the cost and shortage of gasoline was an issue beyond Carter’s control, unlike the asshole in the white hut now who has intentionally caused the rise in the price of all petroleum products.

  7. Badco – You make an important distinction.
    This grinning imbecile fucked-up his son, fucked-up his daughter (and his entire family for that matter) and in less than a year has:
    * fucked-up our Energy sources
    * fucked-up our Economy
    * fucked-up our Military
    * fucked-up Afghanistan
    * fucked-up our Foreign Policy
    * fucked-up our Police forces
    * fucked-up our Border
    * fucked-up agreements
    * fucked-up COVID only to make it worse than before!
    Not even Carter did that!
    Furthermore this stupid jackass is only too happy to continue fucking up our cities and everyone’s confidence in the United States in the process by being one colossal Fuck Up looking for yet ANOTHER place to happen! This farting, sharting, itty, bitty, titty-twisting, loathsome, amoral, idiot (who put the Dem in Dementia) can’t hold a thought or a sentence together! How the Hell is he supposed to hold a nation together?

  8. Carter was NOT a “nice” guy.
    He was (and still is) an evil, vile, contemptible, America-hating, Globaloney-ist, nihilistic totalitarian, slimy, lying POS who hid behind a mule grin.

    Fuck him.
    And Fuck Joe Biden.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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