CNN Poll Shows Amnesty Advocates Are Big Loser in Shutdown – IOTW Report

CNN Poll Shows Amnesty Advocates Are Big Loser in Shutdown


A CNN poll shows that the Democrats’ push for amnesty is the big loser in the government shutdown fight — and likely will hurt Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections.

According to CNN:

56% overall say approving a budget agreement to avoid a shutdown is more important than continuing the DACA program, while just 34% choose DACA over a shutdown. Democrats break narrowly in favor of DACA — 49% say it’s more important vs. 42% who say avoiding a shutdown is the priority — while majorities of both Republicans (75%) and independents (57%) say avoiding a shutdown is more important.

The poll shows that only the Democrats’ base supports their amnesty-before-budget push:

The CNN question is useful because it asks voters to pick priorities, not merely to express their feelings.

For example, 96 percent of Democrats in the poll said they support the DACA amnesty, but only 49 percent say it more is important than passing a budget. The sudden drop shows how the DACA support is inflated by voters’ desire to be seen welcoming immigrants, and shrunken when voters must privately balance the costs of an amnesty against their own community’s circumstances.

The anti-amnesty result matches January 18 report in the Washington Post, which showed the results of a poll conducted for Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer:

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18 Comments on CNN Poll Shows Amnesty Advocates Are Big Loser in Shutdown

  1. At 10 minutes past midnight the memo needs to be released, and President Trump needs to say that the people implicated in this memo are the same people and party that is shutting down the federal government because they love illegal immigrants more than they love Americans. And by the way, no one from this party voted for the tax cuts that will put more money into your pockets.

  2. fuck this shit! …. we need a new Times Square countdown …. 30 minutes & counting! Yay!!!! …. ‘Should old acquaintance be forgot ….”

    so sick of this Kabuki Theater … the gubmint has ‘shut down’ so many times in my lifetime that I’ve lost count …

    message to the Leaches …. we don’t give a fucking fuck any more! … stop it … go away … you are only an impediment to progress

  3. Without a doubt, he is the most obnoxious, irresponsible, turd sucking asswipe in American politics…..short of Pelosi, Watters, Lee and……ah shit, there’s no end to those fucking nasty bung lickers.

  4. Chuckies blackmail attempt to ram DACA down our throats will not succeed. It will backfire on him and his supporters, most especially next November. Is this just a smokescreen to hide the MEMO?

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