CNN Poll Shows Biden Lost Black And Hispanic Support After Harris Pick – IOTW Report

CNN Poll Shows Biden Lost Black And Hispanic Support After Harris Pick


Former Vice President Biden’s lead over President Donald Trump in the national popular vote in the 2020 presidential election has now virtually evaporated.

The diminishing support for Biden comes just days after he named Harris as his running mate.

The drop is due to a significant decline in support from black and Hispanic voters, according to the poll published by CNN on Sunday evening. More

19 Comments on CNN Poll Shows Biden Lost Black And Hispanic Support After Harris Pick

  1. Either the Dems win the 2020 election and gain the ability to do all the things they’ve been wanting to do (God forbid), or they lose and drag us through another four years of BS about stolen elections, foreign interference, impeachment hearings, etc., etc., etc., all to keep Trump off-balance and unable to fight. There’s really no down-side to this for them.

  2. “Former Vice President Biden’s lead over President Donald Trump in the national popular vote in the 2020 presidential election has now virtually evaporated.”

    IF he ever really had a lead…

  3. On a serious note, some news agencies in India say that the Indian Community does not like Camel Toe because she has consistently identified as black politically and downplayed her Indian culture on her Mother’s side.

    Their opinions not mine but seems like goods news.

  4. Look, here’s the deal. Why do I have to explain this? I found I like kids jumpin’ on my lap. Hair? Well, my hair does turn blond in the sun. Well, it used to! What’s the big deal? Huh? Roaches? Did I say that? Well, I did learn about roaches! The kids use to stroke my roaches, I mean, you know, the THINGS! No, not those things! What are you, a perverted pony-face dog soldier? I mean… Huh? The little blond things… on my legs! Those things. No! Not ants you fag… What? What are YOU sniffin’, asshole? I don’t sniff no little girls! Why should I? Dammit, man. I don’t know. Maybe it’s best if I don’t answer your questions. What WAS your question? Jill, get the phone, will ya? I’m on this Skype thing with CNN. Oh, yeah. My Dad really could really drive a car really good. All us kids loved the way he drove. He could REALLY drive, man. Huh? What polls? Did you guys take a poll? Kamala Harris? It’s pronounced ‘Ka-may-la Harris!’ Get her name right you dog-face Republican pussy. You sound like some kind of Donald Trump media donkey! (Joe pulls the power cord from this laptop and walks away while it keeps talking at him.) Honey, I’m coming upstairs…

  5. I’m stunned! After all she is the quintessential black American woman. There is none other manifesting the true strength and temperament of the traditional black female in the USA. The Democrats must trust Joe on this one. After all Joe knows who is and isn’t black.


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