CNN puts together a panel of dem citizens in order to bash the president- Doesn’t go the way they had it scripted – IOTW Report

CNN puts together a panel of dem citizens in order to bash the president- Doesn’t go the way they had it scripted

The black guy really annoys the CNN bint. Camerota is trying desperately to get the panel to agree Trump is a racist, she only manages to get one ignornt white dope to say “Trump lost me when he said in Charlottesville that there were good people on both sides.”

The fact that he explicitly said, before the quote was taken out of context, that he was NOT talking about white nationalists or the KKK means nothing to this moron who needs to be beaten with a bag of tangerines for being so friggin’ stupid.

18 Comments on CNN puts together a panel of dem citizens in order to bash the president- Doesn’t go the way they had it scripted

  1. Yes, the left has gaslighted Trumps 7-word statement, “There were good people on both sides” to their advantage. But this still this is bullshit and the president was correct, we must present this, and place forth the argument that there were both good people and bad people on both sides. He was talking about the GOOD PEOPLE, He said, “GOOD PEOPLE”…Duh! And we do recognize there some pretty crazy democrats, progressives, and Marxits.

  2. The whole thing started out as a save the monuments demonstration that some extremists got wind of and showed up then clashed with the pro monument removal crowd. To the press the save the monuments people became invisible and erased from the reporting. Blatantly dishonest as usual.

  3. “extremely fearful”???? Really? With black on white violent crime 7x the reverse with 1/6 the population. Maybe this crunt oughta buy a clue. Hop on over to Colin Flaherty for a reality check, here’s one small example.

    Fact is if you are white and live anywhere where there is more then an occasional sighting of a black, you’re betting against the house. Good luck. 100+ years ago when our urban areas were 90+ white, we had a high trust society. Now, I avoid them like ebola.

    And anyone else on that panel that still dosen’t know what happened in Charlottesville need to keep their effing soup coolers closed.

  4. CNN fomenting the FAKE division scenario (GOP vs Democrat, Black vs White, Gays vs heterosexuals, illegals vs citizens, Women vs Men, etc.) to create fear, loathing and violence.

  5. This lying, out-of-context, “good people on both sides,” TWATtle is irrelevant. What IS relevant is that President Trump started by denouncing the racists, then failed to side with the people who wanted to remove the statues which had been erected by demoncrat scum, like Nancy Palsi’s daddy in freaking Baltimore.

  6. Words that turned the country up side down.
    “The police acted stupidly.” Obama
    “If I had a son.” Obama
    “Black Lives Matter.” The Media
    “Hands up don’t shoot.” The Media
    Obama and the media have set race relations back, period.
    President Trump has done more to help working Americans than any President ever. Period!

  7. Camerota is going through life with a big chip on her shoulders.
    I’ve never seen her smile. Always with a concerned look on her face. She genuinely hates President Trump and America. A tragic way to go through life.


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