CNN Reporter Calls CHAZ ‘Peaceful,’ Says ‘You Have To Worry About The Potential For Bloodshed’ – IOTW Report

CNN Reporter Calls CHAZ ‘Peaceful,’ Says ‘You Have To Worry About The Potential For Bloodshed’

Daily Caller: A CNN reporter was on the street in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) speaking about how peaceful it was Thursday.

“You have to worry about the potential for bloodshed,” he reported seconds later, speaking about if protesters had to be removed by force.

“Now, if in fact there is going to be federal officers, or federal law enforcement come to this area it is not going to be a pretty situation. Short of some type of major concession they’re not going to leave voluntarily,” he continued.

The reporter said that food is being served, medical tents are present, and people are camping out. He also reported that live music played and some watched movies, calling CHAZ “sort of a contradictory situation.”

“On the one hand, it began with force, but right now it’s peaceful,” he said. more

9 Comments on CNN Reporter Calls CHAZ ‘Peaceful,’ Says ‘You Have To Worry About The Potential For Bloodshed’

  1. A teacher asked the students to describe what their fathers did for living

    Little Johnny said, My dad’s a stripper in a gay bar and he does tricks in the alley for extra money. The Teacher is stunned.

    After class the teacher asks Johnny if that was true.

    Johnny said, no, he’s a reporter for CNN but I’m too embarrassed to admit that.

  2. Those protesters are “peaceful” in the same way drug cartels are peaceful as long as you leave them alone to do what they want without interference or intervention with their activities.

  3. The real question is who put all those barricades, cones and fencing on the streets? These protestors aren’t showing up with bricks, incendiary devices and fencing. And how lucky there just happened to be enough cones/barricades and fencing to surround 6 blocks. Someone is funding and planning all this and these useful idiots with nothing else going on are more than willing to participate. Barr said he was looking into it. And project Veritas has already found Soros and Steyers money involved.

  4. I remember my brother and were watching some sort of jackoffery on Wide World of Sports and every sentence contained the words “these athletes.” That was about 45 years ago and I don’t remember if they were covering a bridge game or a three ring circle jerk, but the nonstop repetitiveness of the words “these athletes” was a sure sign that there was politics involved.

  5. I kinda hope they let CHAZ continue to grow. It will be an interesting, fast morphing lesson in socialism’s degeneration from nirvana to Cuba/Venezuela et al. in a time frame suited to the average attention span now-a-days. From concept to completion should take maybe 3 weeks….?

  6. Napoleon said one should never interfere when the enemy is making a mistake. I hope POTUS agrees with this and let’s these thugs slowly stew in their own juices rather than waste taxpayer money trying to save the POS town/state.


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