CNN Says Fox News Sexually Pleasures Trump With Their Hand – IOTW Report

CNN Says Fox News Sexually Pleasures Trump With Their Hand

The hunchback can’t see his own hump.

The leftwing media can’t smell their own bad breath.

25 Comments on CNN Says Fox News Sexually Pleasures Trump With Their Hand

  1. I mean considering that CNN gave Obama a blowjob on a daily basis, more often than not also being the bottom for good ol’ Barack at the end of it all…
    Kinda hilarious isn’t it?

  2. People giving “their stupid phucking opinions” are all over the networks and local stations, moe tom.

    What happened to reporting the facts in depth and then shutting up? But it isn’t just that, even. It’s also what they select as news while ignoring really important developments.

    The 4th Estate is dead – except for remnants on the Internet.

  3. Jimmy @ I know my friend. Semper Fi.

    But the media and their cohorts the demo/socialists are alive and well, and still sinning and lying. If we lose Texas, Florida, and Arizona, we are flogged.

  4. Mindless filth is a genetic trait of the devil’s offspring who are the members of all the MSM. It oozes out of their mouths as easily as saliva drools out of a rabid dog.

  5. When demmorhoids get their panties in a bunch about Fox news….who exactly are they are they screaming about.

    Jessica Tarlov, Sheep Smith, Jerry Rivers, Chris Wallace, Neil Cavuto…???

  6. Seems this bint markets herself as a “sane conservative”.

    Speaking as an actual black sane conservative, I hereby heartily reject her self-description. She’s just another foul-mouthed faker/fakir.

  7. when you can look at a camera lens that broadcasts to the world and speak like that you know there is something else manifesting behind those empty eyes.

    society is history. We are now living in a post-civil world to whimpy to even put on a good civil war.

  8. Charlie WalksonWater: maybe because no one knows how to do it in the present day. It’s one of the reasons I still advocate for an Article V. Convention of the States at the right time. It would be the last chance to have our system work as intended without Civil War II.

    However, there’s no guarantee that it would happen at the right time nor have an outcome that corrects the wrongs of our Constitutional misdeeds since the early 1800’s. And even, no guarantee that it, itself, WOULDN’T lead to Civil War II.


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