CNN says the Trump Tulsa rally was a “small crowd” – IOTW Report

CNN says the Trump Tulsa rally was a “small crowd”

ht/ c. steven tucker

23 Comments on CNN says the Trump Tulsa rally was a “small crowd”

  1. Earlier this morning I signed out of my Yahoo email account (which automatically takes you to Yahoo home page) and the main pic was of about 15 people milling around looking for a seat (obvious, duh). The caption was something about such a SMALL crowd at the Trump rally. I laughed and thought if the crowds were so small, why was the National Guard still in attendance?! There are some things you just cannot ‘spin’.

  2. CNN (main stream media) looks through the prism of the democrat socialists.
    They see what they choose to see and report their predetermined script, regardless of the facts.

  3. Let them believe what they wish. Hillary was up by 12% in the week leading up to the election.

    I just wish videographers were more diligent about date/time stamping for authentication reasons. That could have been yesterday or an earlier rally. Not saying it wasn’t Tulsa yesterday, but buying the morning newspaper and recording it briefly during this event would have been helpful.

  4. If the MSM & CNN and etc.. are just Politically sided tabloids and not the truthfull independent media. Then should they be protected by the 1st Amendment when they FALSELY Yell Fire? We see the results everyday. Generating false undue panic while inciting 100’s of 1000’s to react with destructive deadly outcomes?

  5. “The Guardian” calls the Tulsa convention a ‘comeback failure”, however, “The Guardian” also calls itself “journalism” which is a really long stretch from what it actually is, so….

  6. Fox News, and particularly, Chris Wallace, aren’t any better than the others.

    Wallace May be an even bigger d’bag than his father.
    I can’t stand the man.

  7. 6,000 or 12,000 in a pandemic hyped all week by the media, with violent protestors promising to show up in Tulsa and at least 4-9 million tv and online viewers depending where you look. When is the last time a democrat drew that size crowd and if they did it was because they had a free concert they parlayed. How about the fact Trump spoke for 90 minutes or more and no left. Half of the folks stood cheering most of the time. Let them act gleeful and continue to show America exactly who they are.

  8. If it were only CNN it would be nothing! But every “news” ridiculed Don! naming only some names: ABC, CBS, Fox…

    I “Yahoo’d” 5 times the last 8 hours. 4 of the5 – including just 3 min ago – derided the lack of folk,

    As I said here after my 1st Yahoo – that Don’s folk were afraid of the others was a bad omen! My ancestors knew that Freedom is not Free! If you are not willing to fight for freedom you will be a serf!


  9. While I trust CNN’s experience with small audiences, numerous Leftist groups and AOC are claiming that they reserved thousands of tickets to the event so they wouldn’t be available for Trump’s white supremacists.

    So which is it? An enthusiasm gap or commie foul play from the people who are wanting mail-in and online voting?


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