CNN Stunned When Fact Checkers Confirm Clinton Phones Destroyed With Hammers – IOTW Report

CNN Stunned When Fact Checkers Confirm Clinton Phones Destroyed With Hammers

h/t Mr. Pinko

18 Comments on CNN Stunned When Fact Checkers Confirm Clinton Phones Destroyed With Hammers

  1. Cover-up News Network is going to revert to silence and no coverage.

    Remember this post yesterday?:

    I was reading twitter posts on his timeline and he was being hit hard with scorn about the emails.

    There were a few answering back with: “It isn’t true about the emails! Show proof that isn’t from some right wing blog!”

    So all CNN and the rest need do is be quiet even when it’s undeniably in their face. If it doesn’t come from them, then it isn’t true!

    We are so f**ked. Even undeniable proof is ignored.

    We may have to have an actual war when it comes down to it. They are that committed to not being honest.

  2. “We are so f**ked. Even undeniable proof is ignored. – Do4

    I take that as a GOOD sign: it takes a whole lotta desperation and denial to have to fall back on such “argumentation.” It’s almost at a “neener neener” level of weakness. And THAT’S easy to defeat.

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