CNN Tearing Biden to Shreds – IOTW Report

CNN Tearing Biden to Shreds

31 Comments on CNN Tearing Biden to Shreds

  1. CNN is trying mightily to pull itself out of the stinking muddy hole it dug for itself.

    Instead of just reporting the news, CNN went socialist/liberal op-ed expecting everyone to eat and digest it. Instead, people are puking their guts out from CNN’s rotten fare.

    Biden is toast, and so is CNN.

  2. I’ve been reading my BFF’s TwiXer feed and by golly-Biden has done more for the progressive agenda than even Obama. Everyone needs to rally around him!!!

    I’m amazed at the how differently we see the what has caused the destruction of America. Easy to be all rah rah for progressive policies when you live in a red state and don’t have to live under them. Otherwise, welcome to Seattle!!!

  3. Prestidigitation.

    It’s absurd that CNN suddenly discovered that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper is a liar.

    “Grab em by the nose and kick em in the ass” as Gen. Patton so aptly put it.

    CNN is grabbing America’s nose.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. What Fresh Hell will They Foist upon Us?

    Mooch is too Lazy (and has a severe case of the Stoopid)

    Kamala same.

    I’m thinking Buttigig and another Black Woman/He/She

    maybe They’ll Dye Rachel Levine Rainblow Blue.

  5. They will keep Joe until just after the convention when he will either “step down” or be forced out via gunpoint. Once the token/puppet woman is sworn in they’ll shove Newsom in as VP where he only has to wait until TPTB give the go ahead to complete our collapse.

  6. Obama and his circle of commies are running things.
    They’ve sent orders to the obedient media tools.
    Any guesses on the new candidates?
    I figure the choices are Big Mike, Hakeem Jeffries or Gavin Newsom.
    Could be someone out of left field too.

  7. Up until this week, CNN has been fawning over this (to coin a phrase) “Stupid Son Of A Bitch” for years. Then they, and others in the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media, all jumped ugly on the jackass after his Wednesday night train wreck presser! That immediately told me that the closet powers behind the scenes had pressed the Eject button on this nation-selling, speech-yelling, whopper-telling, kiddie-smelling, pig-eyed, lo IQ imbecile!

  8. imagine if someone was away for a week without access to “news”. What they’d be hearing now is a total 180 from what these MSM liars were peddling just yesterday!

    No wonder so many of them are trans whatever, on drugs, in therapy … they are so odious they can’t stand themselves.

  9. @Harry

    Nostrildamus – that’s funny. Henry Waxman always reminded me of the phantom in the silent version of Phantom of the Opera.

    I think Waxman’s nostrils opened up even more when he saw pictures of naked women – sexually aroused nostrils.

  10. @ Brad SATURDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2024, 1:01 AT 1:01 AM

    It’s Kabuki theater, choreographed and scripted bullshit to push the next current thing. For those of you from Rio Linda, the next current thing is get Biden out of the way. Anyone who hasn’t been asleep for the last 72 hours who hasn’t figured that out is pretty damn slow on the uptake.

  11. JDHasty

    The ONLY two things the bad people do not totally control is the Supreme Court and yours and my guns. We are being run by committee. And these people do not have our best interests at heart, and have no desire to lose the power that it’s taken them this long to gain. If they can’t see themselves cheating their way to another fixed election they simply won’t have another election. Watch and see.


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