CNN trying to get up to speed – IOTW Report

CNN trying to get up to speed

CNN is now warning that obesity is linked to Covid deaths.


People who are overweight or obese are at a much higher risk of much more severe disease and even death from Covid-19 — and one new study suggests that losing weight can reduce that risk.

cnn.comCan weight loss help protect against Covid-19?In the holiday season, when the average American can easily pack on a few pounds, experts say there is another reason to pay attention to your weight:

13 Comments on CNN trying to get up to speed

  1. I was listening to a podcast on Brighteon. The speaker said because of Joe Rogan interviewing Dr. Malone and Dr. Malone’s censorship, that MSM has no other choice now but to report the facts about covid. I say it’s too late, Rogan showed that he was open minded and allowed Dr. Malone to tell his side unlike MSM. The Rogan/Dr. Malone interview went viral. Links on alternate sites are readily available, they can’t stop it. I fear for Dr. Malone’s life. He’s up against multiple Hitler’s going after him. He’s upset their scam.

  2. Considering that the efficacy of the vaccine is so poor, those three butter balls on The View are as good as dead. Come to think of it so is Hillary, and Rosanne, and Babs Streisand, …

  3. For the duration of the plandemic, not a peep about OTC medications for colds & flu symptoms. Now they are slowly starting to advertise again.
    Before We know it “it’s” all going to disappear, and the next crisis will make Us all forget the rape We’ve experienced for the last 2 years.
    Wonder what’s on the agenda next?

  4. Obesity is why the US has been hit harder than most nations.
    Vitamin D, a basic building block of the immune system becomes locked up in fat molecules, rendering it useless to the body.
    In addition to that, obese people tend to be couch potatoes without the required exposure to the sun which synthesizes enough D in two hours for the immune system’s requirements.

  5. @mickey Whoopi was just diagnosed with covid. One can think about her future on earth. She was jabbed, so she killed off her immune system, and it’s all down hill for her.

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