CNN Tweets Fake News – IOTW Report

CNN Tweets Fake News

April Ryan tweeted Tuesday that Trump was heckled and booed when he appeared at a white house event on the south lawn.

She later deleted the tweet when it was pointed out that the booing was for a protestor in the crowd.

Do CNN reporters confirm any of their stories when attacking Trump?

Wait, what am I saying?  Let me rephrase my question-

Do CNN reporters show their colleagues their made-up stories to see if they pass the smell test?


I’m getting a vision of a movie called The Planet of the Pigs.

I don’t know why.


31 Comments on CNN Tweets Fake News

  1. Isn’t this the same Water Buffalo ™ that accused Sarah Sanders of not baking a pie, threatened to assault her with the former mayor of Baltimore because she said “you don’t know me”?

    She did something else recently to. Revoke her press pass.

  2. Angry black female Democrat still butthurt that O’Bama isn’t preezy any more, and using her employment to express her childish rage.

    STFU and GTFO already.

  3. She had a steady income and worked at a level that suited her abilities at some inner city McDonalds working a cash register with pictures on the keys. Along came some leftist genius and thought she would be a compelling figure in reporting her version of the news.
    McDonalds is still hiring when you finally realize you’re way over your fat head.

  4. If it’s negative, even if it’s later proven false, the priority is to get it out there in big headlines and then if called on it, retract in tiny print at the end of something unrelated.

    I see April and She-Jack starring in The Land of the Hungry Hungry Hippos.


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