CNN, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, POLITICO, New York Times, NBC Universal, and the Associated Press Sues Government To Get Manafort Trial Jurors’ Names – IOTW Report

CNN, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, POLITICO, New York Times, NBC Universal, and the Associated Press Sues Government To Get Manafort Trial Jurors’ Names

The Federalist-

The media request for the names and home addresses of jurors comes a day after the jury began deliberating about the verdicts on 18 fraud and conspiracy counts against Manafort.

Early Thursday evening, members of the jury asked the judge a series of questions about the case and the legal threshold for proving guilt, including a definition of what “reasonable doubt” meant. Many outside legal experts interpreted the question as being good news for Manafort’s defense team and bad news for the prosecution.

Publicly outing the names and home addresses of jurors is considered ethically questionable, as outlined in this guidance sheet on the topic from the Reporter’s Committee for Freedom of the Press:

When jurors are not willing to talk, however, some question whether it is appropriate for journalists to name jurors.

Because jurors do not volunteer for their roles, many journalists question whether they should be thrust into the limelight. According to Tompkins, both before and after a verdict is rendered, most newsrooms air on the side of caution when making these decisions.

‘Generally, there is a policy against publishing juror names,’ Tompkins said. ‘Among journalists, there genuinely is the feeling that there is no good, compelling reason to identify these people.’

This isn’t the first time CNN has tried to doxx private individuals whose political views or statements offend the network. Last July, the news network threatened to identify a Reddit user who created a GIF of Trump wrestling another man with CNN’s logo superimposed on his face. CNN wrote at the time that it would reveal the individual’s identity publicly if he continued to mock the network.


19 Comments on CNN, Washington Post, BuzzFeed, POLITICO, New York Times, NBC Universal, and the Associated Press Sues Government To Get Manafort Trial Jurors’ Names

  1. For a group that don’t see themselves as the enemy of the people they are certainly acting like the enemy to the people.

    Loco- when people ask me what I invest in I tell them “semi precious metals” and if they push more detail I tell them “Mostly brass & lead with some zinc and steel mixed in”

  2. They want to engage in jury tampering and influence the verdict. All Lefty MSM outlets on top of that.

    If they vote guilty, no worries, they did the right thing and are patriots. If they let him off, well look here Antifa and deranged SJW’s, this is where they live, this is where their kids go to school and where their families work.

    Someone should go on CNN and ask them why they need to know where the jury members live and then whip out a list of all of the CNN folk’s addresses (including executive producers) and ask if they would like their information made available to the public as well.

  3. That’s right up there with:
    “Gee it sure would be awful if something happened to your nice car!”
    … or house… or business… or job… or family.
    These are intimidation tactics (thinly disguised as “news”) that only the enemy of the people would use!

  4. The damage is done even if they don’t get the information if the jurors find out. Basically teeing up a cause to appeal.
    They are the threat to democracy and freedom and they prove it every day with these types of antics.

  5. So they can threaten and harass the jurors like the have Judge Elliott? Smart move to block the release of jury information. Although I would not be shocked if the prosecution leaked it.

  6. Jurors are not public figures; they received a summons to report for jury duty, were questioned, and selected for duty. Obviously none of the sitting jurors had sufficient reason to get out of jury duty.

    There are reasons the jurors names should continue to be sealed until a verdict is reached – jurors are specifically instructed to not discuss the case with anyone, including (and particularly) the media. After the trial is concluded, jurors are specifically told that they may speak to the media or the lawyers about the case, but that this is completely up to them. Most jurors are willing to speak after a trial, but some are not.

    It would be nice to see CNN exhibit this type of zeal in investigating Hillary Clinton’s crimes.


    DISNEY has joined Cuomo -America was never great – they will no longer broadcast the American Anthem on MNF!

    Disney is being honest about their America hate after decades hating America and lying!

    I admit to being very biased here – I shed a lot of blood for America 51 – 52 years ago! Do not pretend to be unbiased.

  8. I just read this story over at CTH and there is more to this than mere jury tampering or intimidation. There is speculation, if I’m reading it right, that there has already been media contact with one juror (paid? it asks), and this is a way for these media entities to cover their tracks. If all jurors are doxxed, then the one who really is (or was) in contact with the media will not be so easily found. That’s the angle or motivation, anyway, according to the CTH piece. In a normal world, something like this would be hard to believe, but…we’re not in a normal world where the media are concerned. They are the enemy of the people. Why isn’t there some sort of recourse when the media crosses the line? I get the whole “freedom of the press” thing, but isn’t there a line somewhere? Or is that a danger to free speech?

  9. Judge Ellis said today that he was very surprised by receiving a number of threats, including death threats, to the point where he has U.S. Marshal protection everywhere he goes now. He mentioned this when he denied the release of the jurors’ names and addresses to the yellow stream media. Why they think they need the addresses in particular I don’t like to think about.

    Aside: I have been called to jury duty early next month. Federal jury duty. I don’t know yet whether it is for a grand jury or petit (trial) jury. I’m looking forward to it, but I’d rather not get doxxed and then get visits from antifa and/or death threats! /-:

  10. @an ol exJarhead August 17, 2018 at 6:04 pm

    > I shed a lot of blood for America 51 – 52 years ago!

    Sometimes autospell makes a liar out of me.

    Was that supposed to be “America“?

    Or was that supposed to be “Americans”?

  11. I will not be surprised if we hear harassment stories about Jurors being followed home to get an address (and thus a name) just be harassed. If this happens the government should go after this so-called “news” media hammer and tong!

  12. What’s next star trials, show trials like the Russians did to those who disagreed with them in the late 30’s under Stalin and kangaroo courts. They just can’t stand losing can they and they will brook no opposition like the commies did under Stalin if they can get away with it.

  13. Some questions…

    At what point does a mistrial come into play?

    If a mistrial is declared due to jury-tampering or whatever, is that better than no mistrial,but a not guilty verdict?

    If a mistrial is declared, will Mueller retry, or move on?


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