CNN: Watch as the Daily Beast’s Weiss decimates Obama’s ISIS narrative – IOTW Report

CNN: Watch as the Daily Beast’s Weiss decimates Obama’s ISIS narrative

CFP: I’ll be honest. As terrible as it was, Obama’s piddling oval office lecture was not the worst thing on TV last night. That honor goes to Garth Brooks singing “Luck Be a Lady” on the Sinatra 100 special. Still, if you tuned in to watch the President’s address, you know that it was pretty bad.

Obama looked tired, disinterested, and eager to be anywhere else. That’s probably not surprising when you realize that delivering the speech meant the poor man had to arrive late for his standing ovation at the star-studded Kennedy Center Honors performance. We all know how much he likes a good party. 

His diatribe was filled with the usual half-baked nonsense about how “we’re goin to win” and how we’ve decimated that other (still active) terrorist organization, and how we need more gun control.

Virtually every news outlet commented about how incredibly weak the whole thing was, but one of the best rebuttals came to us from The Daily Beast’s Michael Weiss. He appeared with Wolf Blitzer and delivered a blistering assessment of our nonexistent “ISIS strategy” that positively decimated Obama’s feel-good narrative.

It’s absolutely worth a watch:

8 Comments on CNN: Watch as the Daily Beast’s Weiss decimates Obama’s ISIS narrative

  1. words and acronyms are important

    obama’s use of isil versus isis shows what a snake he is, as he uses it as a way to distract from his disastrous policies in the middle east, see especially iraq and syria

    every time i hear the name isil, it’s some pussy using it, or someone who does not undertand the distinction and implication

    this exchange was a good watch

  2. Couple comments:

    Ol’ Wolf looked like he discovered someone just shit in his mess kit while this guy was talking.

    I saw the bat eared punk on television yesterday afternoon and Charlie Sheen has company.

  3. Obama looked “tired and disinterested” because he was. This was not the speech he wanted to give. He was prepared to announce executive orders on gun control but his smarter advisers managed to talk him out of it. That is why the speech was so weak. I wasn’t what he wanted to say.

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