CNN’s Jake Tapper on Donna Brazile Leak to Clinton Campaign: ‘Unethical,’ ‘Horrifying’ – IOTW Report

CNN’s Jake Tapper on Donna Brazile Leak to Clinton Campaign: ‘Unethical,’ ‘Horrifying’

Breitbart: A WikiLeaks document suggests former adviser to President Bill Clinton and current Democrat National Chairperson Donna Brazile provided a question to Clinton’s aides during the recent Democrat primaries. Now Brazile’s CNN colleague, Jake Tapper, insists Brazile’s actions were “unethical” and “horrifying.”

In a Thursday interview on Washington D.C.’s WMAL radio, Tapper told host Larry O’Connor that the evidence that Brazile leaked debate questions to Hillary’s campaign was a journalistically unethical act.

Tapper told O’Connor that the WikiLeaks news was “very, very troubling,” before noting that Brazile is “a good person.”

The CNN host of The Lead with Jake Tapper went on to express dismay over the leak purportedly emanating from his cable network.

“It’s horrifying. Journalistically it’s horrifying,” Tapper said, “and I’m sure it will have an impact on partnering with this organization in the future and I’m sure it will have an effect on… Donna Brazile is no longer with CNN because she’s with the DNC right now, but I’m sure it will have some impact on Donna Brazile.”

Tapper also assured WMAL that CNN takes this “very, very seriously.”  MORE

Riiiight. I’m sure they’ll get right on it.

15 Comments on CNN’s Jake Tapper on Donna Brazile Leak to Clinton Campaign: ‘Unethical,’ ‘Horrifying’

  1. Yeah, Brazile is “a good person”. She’s the one who said years ago that she hoped Clarence Thomas’ wife would feed him lots of bacon and fatty foods so that he would die soon.

  2. CORRECTION! Oops!

    It was NOT Donna Brazile who said that about Justice Clarence Thomas. (see the first comment on this thread)

    From The Washington Post, August 4, 2002 – “In what other corner of America does someone of such achievement face withering contempt from people who look like him and grew up like him? “I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early, like many black men do, of heart disease,” Julianne Malveaux, the liberal commentator, once cracked on a talk show.”

    Sorry ’bout that. 🙁

  3. “told host Larry O’Connor that the evidence that Brazile leaked debate questions to Hillary’s campaign was a journalistically unethical act.” He said the evidence was the unethical act. Always hide the truth.

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