CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Falsely Blames Antifa Violence on Black Americans – IOTW Report

CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Falsely Blames Antifa Violence on Black Americans

Big Journalism: CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin bizarrely pinned the blame for Antifa violence on black Americans Tuesday night, saying that the far-left group is “widely perceived as an African-American organization.”

In response to President Trump warning of Antifa violence should Democrats win the midterms, Jeffrey Toobin said, “Let’s be clear also about what’s going on here. The theme here is, ‘I’m Donald Trump and I’ll protect you from the scary black people.’”

“Antifa is widely perceived as an African-American organization, and this is just part of the same story of LeBron James and Don Lemon and Maxine Waters and the NFL players and the UCLA basketball players,” he continued.

“This is about black versus white. This is about Donald Trump’s appeal to racism and it just happens all the time. And we never say it. We don’t say it enough for what it is, but that’s what’s going on here,” he added.

What Toobin said is simply false–as anyone who has seen photos or videos of most Antifa knows, the group is overwhelmingly white.  more

16 Comments on CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin Falsely Blames Antifa Violence on Black Americans

  1. How’s married Toobin’s illegitimate son with mistress Casey Greenfield?

    Why should America trust anyone with such poor judgement that he would have a secret 10 year affair and deny paternity resulting in an ugly public lawsuit where he dragged the woman through the mud?

  2. I watched this piece of shite rave on about antifa being primarily a black movement. Interesting how when accusing Trump of racism, they use their own racism to try to make their point. Toobin is so full of hate (like the rest of them) he can’t think straight.

  3. I don’t know, when ever I see an antifa “protest” its all a bunch of pasty white kids with bad piercings wearing masks. Not sure I’ve even seen a black person in any of those pics/vids.

    Maybe Boobin can’t see the difference between the FA and BLM. Their methods do tend to be similar.

  4. I have never heard anyone except Toobin classify Antifa as a black organization. Video of Antifa violence shows assaults being almost exclusively committed by white folks (and those white folks consistently getting their asses kicked). Even Antifa photos released on social media by Antifa show the groups to be overwhelmingly white.

    Put some more tattoos on these Antifa assholes, cut their hair and given them a little more muscle mass and they could pass for the Aryan Brotherhood. Maybe Toobin can double down and call the BLM movement a white supremacist organization. Every time CNN complains about being characterized as fake news, they go out and prove it.

  5. Here is an example of someone who isn’t paying attention to real events and is probably thinking that Black Bloc (where Antifa member all dress in black) means that they are a black group. It’s like thinking that MS-13 is a Hispanic school district in Long Island for DACA recipients.


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