CNN’s Kayleigh McEnany Quit To Start a New Project – The Real News – IOTW Report

CNN’s Kayleigh McEnany Quit To Start a New Project – The Real News

They broadcast from Trump Tower.

We’ve liked Kayleigh ever since this exchange with an unhinged bull dyke.


ht/ all too much

14 Comments on CNN’s Kayleigh McEnany Quit To Start a New Project – The Real News

  1. How she contained a burst of laughter while that unhinged heifer ranted like a lunatic is amazing. Of course Miss McEnany’s calm demeanor further enraged. The moderator was close to having to make a full body tackle, which could have cost him his life.

  2. Wow, those bull-dykes sure get worked up easily.

    They really hate men, but then they do everything to LOOK like men to attract bull-dyke females, who really are not females, they are men on the inside, attracted to other females that look like males.

    So really they are actually 2 gay men. Have I gotten this down right?

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