CNN’s mission failed – IOTW Report

CNN’s mission failed

PatriotRetort: CNN has worked tirelessly to bring Donald Trump down and destroy his candidacy. It has been their mission in life since he clinched the nomination in May. And clearly that mission failed.

Immediately following Trump’s acceptance speech last night, CNN revealed the results of a flash poll that, had screen captures not memorialized it, nobody would know about it.

cnn poll results convention trump


Why would CNN not widely publicize their own instant polling results?

Golly. I wonder why.

To you and me, knowing that 73% of respondents believe Trump would take the country in the right direction doesn’t come as a surprise. Poll after poll shows that nearly 70% of the American people believe that we are headed in the wrong direction. Hillary has already made it clear that she intends to keep pushing us in that wrong direction.

CNN doesn’t want you to know that 56% of the people who watched Trump’s speech are now more likely to vote for him. So rather than promote the polling, they’d rather plug up their ears and say, “Lalala! We don’t hear you!! Trump is divisive!!”  more

19 Comments on CNN’s mission failed

  1. CNN was running on a secondary tuner here, it wasn’t more than 10 seconds after it was over the talking heads came on to bash. They wasted no air time. I expect the same treatment at the DNC.

  2. CNN, MSNBC and the MSM all failed to recognize or acknowledge that Trump’s organization of the Republican National Convention was brilliant. Virtually all of the preliminary speakers devoted their speeches to demonstrating that Trump is a man of integrity (frequently by pointing out that Hillary is corrupt), and that Trump is a man who gets things done. By the time that Trump gave his acceptance speech, all that was left for him to do was identify the issues and problems with the United States and propose his common sense solutions – the groundwork about Trump’s motives, integrity and ability to achieve his goals had already been done. The organization of the RNC was masterful.

    Even inviting the other primary contenders to speak was a stroke of brilliance. Christie and Carson in particular are on board with Trump, Walker and Rubio were supportive, Bush, Kasich and several others didn’t bother to show up, and Cruz effectively ended any future Presidential aspirations he may have had. For all Republicans, your candidate had a chance to show up and say his or her piece, and this provided closure to a contentious Republican primary race.

    Trump may be a political newbie, but his handling of the RNC shows he knows how to get things done. The MSM spent an inordinate amount of time on the supposed plagarism and Cruz’s failure to endorse or support Trump, but all this shows is that the MSM missed the big picture – Trump’s goal was to convince voters to feel confident about voting for him, and he accomplished this in spades. I think the Republicans have selected a nominee who can actually get elected President because people want to vote for him instead of just voting against Hillary.

  3. Good read, Wyatt! I like to say that if only Trump had listened to me at the start of his campaign, we’d likely have Jeb! for the nominee by now…
    Trump is obviously a *very* smart man, and he knows what he’s doing. That’s exactly who we need as President.

  4. Now that Ailes is out FOX is going to start the Trump bashing just like the other networks. Murdochs sons are ultra liberal progressives–convenient for Hillary that the only news that was even slightly republican friendly is now taken over by progressives. The media truly has orchestrated The destruction of the USA

  5. At yesterday’s Repub Convention debrief with Trump/Pence, the campaign and RNC staff, Trump’s social media analytics guy announced some Twitter/FB/Instagram numbers that were almost unbelievable. Over 1B (billion, with a ‘B’) impressions on Twitter (#TrumpTrain) during the 4 day convention. A phenomenal percentage increase (can’t remember the number) in Trump social media followers; bringing the combined FB/T/I to 22 million. Additionally there were a staggering number of views of the convention videos (hours-long coverage and individual speeches) on YT and other sources (but they didn’t cite C-SPAN, which must have been Yuge!). Looks like people want to see the events without the filtering commentary, yes?

    The sobering statement about all this was that people aren’t getting their news from CNN or the other cable/network talking heads.

  6. Caught portions of both Glenn Beck and Mark Levine yesterday both traitorous scumbags. Spent their entire programs tearing down Trump. To what end? Who’s paying these sobs to work against what clearly best for this country. Hated Beck since his attack on those questioning Obama’s qualifications. There is something big and nefarious at play in the world and we are all being hoodwinked.Assholes like Beck and Levine who sold themselves as one thing only to take off the mask when push comes to shove need to be Mussolini-Ed on national TV right beside dear leader – throw in Val Jar too.

  7. @Thirdtwin — Desperate, yes! But did you see the Wikileaks DNC email? DNC/Clinton colluding with NBC (and of course, CNN) on Agenda Polling, etc.? Just another area of the rigged system. Loved Laura Ingraham making such a pointed statement about fraudulent reporting in her speech.

  8. If the Trumps stay the course and are able to turn this country around without dividing it further they are poised to create a dynasty America can actually be proud of. unlike to perverted Kennedys or wanna be Clintons the Trumps seem to be honest hard working intelligent and reasonably decent people who may for generations make us proud. we shall see.

  9. This was the first convention speech that I have watched in years. I was on vacation at the time and watched the whole thing. I didn’t even do that with George W.

    Trump was very good.

  10. If the GOP ever decided to pull up their Big Boy Pants and become an opposition party to the Anti-Americans of the left, they would do well to study the Media:
    The “Press” has been a partisan political COMBATANT for over a century. They are sneaky, subtle, RELENTLESS, tireless and without scruples.

    They’ll never win, because they are on the wrong side of things.

    IF the republicants can manage to pluck their heads out of their asses before the ship hits the rocks, then Trump can actually keep his record rolling: he is a DOER (not a talker) and he tends to WIN.

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