CNN’s Reportage On Clinton Corruption is Low Energy and Lackluster – IOTW Report

CNN’s Reportage On Clinton Corruption is Low Energy and Lackluster

CNN goes through the motions, I’ll give them that, when reporting to their idiot audience that the Clintons are corrupt.

The problem is they haven’t come up with a jingle, a spinning logo, an entire panel of concerned looking jackasses to signal to the slumbering masses that what they are about to see is something they should be outraged by. (This is what they do with Trump.)

Boringly presented, Jake Tapper tells the slumbering masses that the Clintons got rich by offering people around the world the chance to bribe a secretary of state. The people wouldn’t show up with an envelope that was passed under a hotel room table. No. The Clintons set up their operation in plain sight under the guise of being benevolent and philanthropic – The Clinton Global Initiative.

Donate enough money to them and things would miraculously happen for them. You want to be the one that is awarded a contract to develop precious land? Grease the Clintons.

The dead broke Clintons are multi-millionaires. How?

CNN tells you how. The problem is most people are dumb as poop and shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

We don’t let certain people sit near the emergency hatch on a plane, but we give them a vote that influences our lives down here on the ground.


5 Comments on CNN’s Reportage On Clinton Corruption is Low Energy and Lackluster

  1. Our republic is definitely in decline. The fact that any major political party can even consider nominating someone as corrupt, dishonest, vindictive, egomaniacal, and self-centered as Hillary Clinton for President is almost unthinkable. The fact that a majority of Americans may vote for her is devastating.

    Republics usually don’t die because of one major cataclysmic event; they die because they discard moral character, trade long term stability and growth for short term personal gain, and disregard the principles that made the republic strong and prosperous in the first place. While the networks gnash their teeth over crude comments by Donald Trump 11 years ago, they cover up and attempt to explain away the blatant corruption of both Bill and Hillary Clinton. While no human is perfect, Hillary has demonstrated a complete disregard of moral character for decades. She is as unfit a candidate for the Presidency as any candidate I have seen in my lifetime.

    I can understand CNN actively supporting Clinton – their personnel are “progressive” and they stand to gain personallyy and professionally in a relationship with a President Clinton. I can somewhat understand the antipathy of the Republican heirarchy – Donald Trump threatens their political gravy train. The NeverTrumpers are more perplexing; they profess to adhere to a political philosophy beneficial to the United States, yet support a candidate who demonstrates no moral character or compass, and whose vindictiveness and authoritarian philosophy is designed to weaken America at home and abroad.

    It is perversely fascinating to watch our Republic decline. The end will likely not be due to the barbarians at the gates; it will be due to the barbarians who are already here. At some point, and perhaps now is that time, a Presidential candidate will cross the Potomac and take over completely with the willing assistance of the media, Congress and the Supreme Court.

  2. “When you’re smiling, when you’re smiling.
    The whole world smiles with you,”
    Wonderful old song from way back.
    But when Killary smiles that phony, well trained smile, beware!
    When she’s off camera, that smile turns into a piranha .
    She’ll rip you to pieces. No matter who the fuck you are!
    So I’ve read.

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