CNN’s Zucker Says Attacking Trump Is Keeping His Employees Morale High – IOTW Report

CNN’s Zucker Says Attacking Trump Is Keeping His Employees Morale High

Doesn’t that say it all?

The CNN employees get sustenance by going after Trump.


Zucker went on to add that, if anything, his employees are working overtime. “If there is any issue, it is because they are exhausted. The pace has been nonstop, and it has not let up,” he said.


Isn’t this an admission that they are working harder now that a right-winger is in office, and going after the right is a like a B-12 shot?

How is Trump wrong when he says CNN is nothing but an arm of the DNC that is working overtime in order to sabotage him?


31 Comments on CNN’s Zucker Says Attacking Trump Is Keeping His Employees Morale High

  1. Alinsky Rule #6

    “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

  2. Keep that morale up as your failing network circles the bowl … Trump yesterday: “the failing New York Times.” Trump is kicking A and doesn’t even care about taking names. About friggin time we got a leader with backbone!! He was knocking over those little media twerps yesterday like tenpins. One strike after another after another. I can’t recall the last time I had so much fun watching TV. As Trump also said yesterday “and by the way my numbers are really great have you seen my numbers.” Trump was an awesome business guy but I think he’s really found his calling! We have been waiting for a guy like this for a long time. OK, I love Trump, you get the idea….

  3. We know the people don’t trust the news media anymore but I’d like to see a poll where all the newsmedia are identified and how much the public trusts or distrusts each one. It would be especially interesting to see how much the people trust each of the news personalities (at least the ones they’ve seen).
    I wonder what CNN’s income statement looks like? If it’s in the toilet still I wonder how long Zucker’s going to be around.

  4. CNN, you know what keeps my morale up?

    The constant WINNING and watching your empty liberal heads explode.

    CNN employees should be on impotence medication infomercial.

  5. I watched CNN and ABC or was it CBS – anyway, the reported on the press conference was twisted, sarcastic and hateful. Yes, hateful to the president. I guess threatening is next, then they can all go away in cuffs.

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