CO2 Is Actually Good for the World – IOTW Report

CO2 Is Actually Good for the World

We all know this, but I like how this professor puts it.

7 Comments on CO2 Is Actually Good for the World

  1. CO2 is the life of plants. Plants Take in CO2 and give off O2.
    Can’t hardly believe these absolute climate morons could pass a 4th grade science test. Then they convince the other idiots like Gore and Gates to believe the lie. Another aspect of this idiocy is they know the truth and are trying to reduce the population to 500 million as stated in the Georgia guide stones. Either way, they are demon possessed.

  2. Anonymous, When I am talking to someone who thinks CO2 is a problem, I tell them without CO2, all life will die. Blank look.

    Then I have to explain that CO2 is used by plants to create O2. You know … oxygen!

  3. The nearby Pot farm has 2 main grow rooms. The workers spend 4 hours working in one and then close it off and they flood it with CO2. After they leave room 2 and it gets flooded with CO2. They trim buds twice a week and the O2 levels are back to normal.


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