Coca-Cola To Cut Nearly Half Of Its Brands – IOTW Report

Coca-Cola To Cut Nearly Half Of Its Brands

Sacramento Bee

The Coca-Cola Company is cutting its portfolio in half, kicking at least 200 beverage brands to the curb by end of year.

The money-saving move will allow Coke to focus on its most profitable products so that it may “emerge stronger from the pandemic,” the company said in a news release Thursday.

The news comes nearly a week after the beverage giant announced it would discontinue its once popular sugar-free soft drink Tab after more than 60 years on shelves across the world. Other “underperforming” brands on the way out include Odwalla, ZICO coconut water, Diet Coke Feisty Cherry and regional offerings like Northern Neck Ginger Ale, the company said. More

26 Comments on Coca-Cola To Cut Nearly Half Of Its Brands

  1. There is very poor management at Coke. You don’t see how long you can carry a loser. If the product is not self supporting after a probation period, drop it like a hot rock. That is good business, anything else is plain stupid!

  2. I’m impressed with their overall marketing though.
    You have idjits like aoc and biden telling us that CO2 is killing us. And then they carbonate soda with it and encourage people to drink it. Impressive.
    Yeah, teach the world to sing

  3. It would be nice to have a list of those brands that are being dumped.
    On another note does anyone know if Wink is still being bottled anywhere? Used to drink that years ago and it was a nice, refreshing drink with a hint of grapefruit.

  4. Coke isn’t all carbonated brands. Some healthy(er) offerings, like Minute Maid and Simply and water.

    Been holding an investment in coke for 20 years, I really don’t have any complaints. Glad to see they are trimming some fat.

  5. If your product line container and shipping cost more than the contents (applies to beer too) it’s easy to fuck around with the marketing.

    Few things today have a profit margin like beverages.

  6. I LOVE original, classic Coca Cola, always have. However, I have learned to have it as a treat once in a while, with a fast food lunch or dinner. Like once a month. Believe me, I knew I was in trouble when I started purchasing a large bottle while grocery shopping every week, to drink as a pick-me-up in the afternoon. I put an end to that. Liked it a bit too much.

    By the way, Coke is supposed to be good for stripping rust off metal and is suggested for removing stubborn stains in the toilet bowl.

  7. It sounds like getting back to normal…..i.e. get rid of the crap on the outer fringes of reality….STOP catering to the lowest minorities that DEMAND to be recognized.

  8. ecp, as an Atlanta native, one who finds little to be proud of in this city, one who has grown up with Coca Cola and one whose wife has worked for Coca Cola in the past, I like your attitude. May you prosper with your investment.

  9. @scr_north: It looks like Wink is still being produced by Canada Dry. No idea where it is sold. Amazon has it. I haven’t seen Wink in decades, thanks for the memory trip.

  10. Coca Cola from Mexico comes in glass bottles and has real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. Not gonna lie, it is much better than the stuff from the US. In stores with high Jewish population, you can also find Coke with real sugar because corn syrup isn’t kosher for Passover because reasons.

  11. I would jettison those very small sale labels.
    But Tab has a history.
    They could play up the nostalgia sales.
    Announce that Tab is on the bubble unless sales increase and you will sell many gallons of the stuff.

  12. I love the original coke because it works so good when I need to clean all that blue junk off my car battery terminals!

    What, you mean to tell me some people actually drink that poison?!?!

    Why not drink some formaldehyde while your at it and oh wait, that is already in drinks too….never mind.

  13. Putting it as politely as possible… coke sucks. Reminds me too much of Atlanta walking for endless hours from the end of one terminal to the end of another terminal at Hartsfield to the excruciating torment of CNN blasting their lies at skull splitting volume. You can just take ATL, wad it up, and stuff it up San Francisco’s posterior before shoving them both into the Pacific.

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