Cock? Okay. Pussy? No way.
Organizers of an anti-gun protest at the University of Texas in Austin against a new campus carry law noted for garnering some 4,000 adult toys which they gave away, earning immortality on the Daily Show, have made their way to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Invited by to join a gun control advocates to talk to senior officials about grassroots activism, the CNG gang posted images of their visit to the White House to social media– and contend some important firsts were made.
“They think it’s the first time ‘dildo’ has been said in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing,” the group noted on social media. “‘Cocks’ also reverberated around the room dozens of times and Rosie, who was sitting right next to the Oval Office where Obama was sitting 10ft away, could hear his voice through the door. Does that mean he could hear ours?”
Why am I not surprised? Maybe made POTUS homesick for Mancountry?
Barry misunderstood. He thought they said ‘Cock for Barack’.
I could have gone for the rest of my life without reading this story. The level of depravity in our country, now, is beyond comprehension. And it’s celebrated, it’s rewarded, it’s put forth as the best example. I give up. I’ll never be able to un-know about this. I weep for this nation and it’s unguided youth. What the hell happened?
And I am supposed to be upset and abandon DJT over a lewd comment made 11 years ago to another man. I’m certain no GOP congressman will address this but they’ll continue to pull support from DJT and continue their mock outrage. College kids mocking the constitution by carrying dildos but terrified over a Halloween costume they deem inappropriate. WTH
I see a delegate from the Bushmaster camp in that group.
I think these gals inadvertently demonstrated something we all suspected. Liberal women need dildos because their liberal men want dildos too. The anti-gun stance is incidental.
Makes complete sense as Obutthole would rather have a cock than a pussy anyday! In fact, the gift of so many dildos will keep his butt happy for months!
Even the dildo refuses the one on the far right.
@Abigail – ” I’ll never be able to un-know about this. I weep for this nation and it’s unguided youth. What the hell happened? “
Bill Clinton happened. He has forever degraded the Office of the President into a vile sex joke. And his wife will finish the job with Huma.
“Even the dildo refuses the one on the far right.” – Otherwise Law Abiding
I was going to embiggen the photo to see if it was female or otherwise, then I realized I didn’t care.
It looks ugly from this distance to know I wouldn’t hit it.
You can bet a few of those GALS were born with their own cocks!
T-shirt wanted:
We have a dildo acting as president who gives BJs to all of America’s enemies. He lives for cock.
If Trump were to come out tonight and the first thing he did was confess his sins like David did after being confronted by Nathan the prophet after his affair with Bathsheba he just might save his chances of becoming President. Psalms 51:10, my favorite version of Psalms 51 comes from The Message Bible. Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit in me… This is my prayer for today, after all God did use David who was an adulterer and a murderer, Moses as well was a murderer, Elijah doubted even after God totally destroyed the prophets of Baal etc., etc. God uses people who are totally unqualified at times, I’m not offering this as an endorsement of Trump but it just may work if Trump were to do it in humility and repentance for his saying what he said. And for what it’s worth I’m just as guilty as he is for saying derogatory things about female genitalia, we are all sinners. God hears the prayers of a contrite man who confesses his sins while exposing the sins of those like Hillary who are so smug that they think are above the law and can do anything and get away with everything. We are toast if hellary becomes President but God is still in charge no matter what happens.
Just as I finished this post XM 59 Willie’s Roadhouse, the classic country music station played What Is Truth by Johnny Cash, coincidence I think not.
Haven’t you heard? Blacks can’t be racist, men can’t be objectified, and women can’t be sexist.
Personally, I hate Glocks. They’re like the iPhone of the gun world. However after reading this, I’m going to buy one today, just because.
Yikes! Can you imagine being the child of one of those silly excuses for humans, 20 years from now? Especially, teenaged!
Can’t wait to see their reception at all those rape colleges.
This the level of depravity infesting the White House and the man-boy’s disrespect for the office. If justice was served he would be swinging in the gallows.
There’s a huge pussy in the White House;
you’re going to need a bigger cock.
Why’s that dude on the right there?
“Personally, I hate Glocks”
Lol, I like to tease certain nameless persons here about Glocks. Glock owners are kinda testy. Actually it’s a very well designed combat weapon. Except for the lack of a Beaver Tail. If you have meaty paws like me you will get slide bite. They have an after market beaver tail that easy to install and cheap.
Brad, Glock owners are brand loyalty bitches, most wish there wasn’t another gun manufacturer. I’ve shot them plenty, they are good guns, it’s the people who own them that is the problem.
@old oaks – I felt the same way about Glocks until I shot one. Went out, bought a Glock 30 and never looked back.
I hear ya Brad. My paws are standard issue so I never had a problem.