Cognitive Deficient Joe – IOTW Report

Cognitive Deficient Joe

He can’t seem to handle a pen.

ht/ illustr8r

36 Comments on Cognitive Deficient Joe

    I know it!
    You know it!
    They know it!
    We all know it!

    They’re scared because they know what they would do if the shoe was on the other foot.

  2. They kept the secret of Roosevelt’s
    condition and went to great pains to hide his wheelchair, but it’s another problem altogether to Keep the magnitude of Biden’s
    stupidity when he’s demonstrating it daily in front of cameras.

  3. Possible the Brain Damage is the result of the fumes Hunter had in the basement making his own crack.

    … and they loved to pick on Reagan in his latter years. At least Reagan started his presidency with energy, class and an elegant wife.

  4. My mom who had severe dementia of the Sundowners kind and was totally batshit crazy before she died at almost 93 3 years ago. She was more cognitively aware than joey is even though she was nuts. She understood some things and was fiercely independent and wanted to do things her way or else, joey also wants to do things his way or else but unlike my mom he has the power to make us suffer. The dumb bastard even got locked out of the White House after he fired Trump’s doorman, my mom never got locked out of the house but she tried to escape a few times, I caught her more than once, we were afraid we’d find her running down the street naked not knowing where the hell or who she was. And this dumbass somehow managed to get 80 million votes, I call bullshit. He’s not only a menace to himself but to this whole country and the entire rest of the world. God save us from this retarded, pixilated dumb ass of a fool who gets to pretend that he’s the President. Shouldn’t what his handlers are doing to him be considered elder abuse?

  5. “When he lifts up his jacket, is that a wire going over his left shoulder??”


    But we’ve known it is there every time we see him.

    Him saying “Salute the Marines” as he passed them made it comically obvious.


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