Cohen Backs Out, Lanny Lashes Out – IOTW Report

Cohen Backs Out, Lanny Lashes Out

Convicted liar and former personal attorney for the president, Michael Cohen, has decided not to testify before various House committees before starting his prison sentence. The disgraced lawyer claims that the president and his current council, Rudy Giuliani, have threaten members of his family if he were to testify. More

Cohen’s lawyer (paid for by the democrats) Lanny Davis has accused the former mayor of New York, Giuliani, of witness tampering and called for a federal criminal investigation. More

14 Comments on Cohen Backs Out, Lanny Lashes Out

  1. LAME! What’s Congress gonna do? Have Cohen arrested? LOL!
    He doesn’t HAVE to show up.
    This is just an excuse NOT to go before Congress.
    They can say whatever they like about Giuliani ‘threatening’ Cohen.
    An investigation would stall Cohen going to congress to ‘confess’. Investigation finds nothing and Cohen will still be sitting in jail.
    What an eye-roller.

  2. “Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. Giuliani …..”

    What specific threats is he referring to, particularly what ones against his family?

  3. typical game plan going on here.
    1) create problem
    2) ‘fix’ problem
    3) goto1

    No substance to his allegations. But they stand back and point at the problem. msm provides the coverage.
    What problem? I don’t have the skills of imagination that they do. I want to see evidence of a problem, please. Or it doesn’t exist.
    slimy democratic lawyers <- now there is evidence

  4. This is all Lanny Davis political dirty tricks – nothing more, nothing less. Cohen is probably getting paid in cash to go along with it.

    And the whole “Trump ordered him to lie to congress” story – if a client tells a lawyer to commit perjury the lawyer is supposed to say “No, that is illegal. If you really insist on me doing that, find another lawyer. I could be disbarred and we could go to jail”

  5. Yes by all means we need another investigation of Trump, despite the multiple unfinished ones that have existed for years now,

    because we don’t have time to investigate/prosecute the clear and blatantly obvious crimes committed by Hillary and obama and their henchmen.

    Has Huma ever been charged with mishandling Classified information that she shouldn’t have even SEEN?!!!
    Because it has been documented that that happened. But SQUIRREL!, Anthony Weiner went to jail to show others his weiner.

  6. Why the pause ?
    Stupid liar Mikey Cohen has no news.
    It would have been leaked or
    blurted out already.

    Mikey Cohen is a paper tiger
    who has no substanciation
    and is a only a tool of the
    to try to discredit a lawfully elected president.

    Welcome to the surrealist world of


    And that’s what this anti-maga. anti-trump


    Has ALWAYS been about.

    The abject failure of HILLARY RODHAM


    How she could not handle it

    And therefor how no one else can

    How everyone must act as a psychotic paranoiac


    Hillary cannot handle it.

  7. Lanny’s always been a shifty little prick and he must just hate this. He wanted Cohen (another shifty but not as good at it, little prick) to testify Trump ordered him to lie about Russia or his lunch or anything at all else all this build up was for nothing. When Cohen remembered that if he lied on the stand and was then shown to be telling something different to Mueller and his band of trolls he’d be fucked with more jail time from Mueller and if he told the truth that Trump never did anything of the sort then Lanny would figure out a way to screw him over in prison (the dems have a lot of buddies in just about every slammer). Cohen finally decided to do something smart and avoid the whole thing which caused Larry to up is daily dose of crystal meth and go a bit of a rampage to try to repair some of the damage.


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