Cohen’s Guilty Plea On Hush Money Payment Does Not Mean He Broke a Law – IOTW Report

Cohen’s Guilty Plea On Hush Money Payment Does Not Mean He Broke a Law

I’m tired of trying to explain this point to very ignorant, low IQ leftists on Twitter.

Cohen pled guilty to a charge that was NOT PROVEN IN COURT.

Just because Cohen felt it was best to plead guilty on a cornucopia of charges, one of which was “paying hush money to a skanky whore,” it doesn’t mean that the payment was illegal.

It would have to be proven in court that this violated campaign finance laws. It wasn’t.

Andrew C. McCarthy explains.

7 Comments on Cohen’s Guilty Plea On Hush Money Payment Does Not Mean He Broke a Law

  1. “I’m tired of trying to explain this point to very ignorant, low IQ leftists on Twitter.”

    Why bother? Ever try explaining condensation to a retarded cat? Same thing.



  2. The Internet allows someone to never have to admit that they were wrong. They can always Google up some tangent to what about this or that. Or start hurling epiphets.

    Back in the dawn of the blogosphere, I would meet up publicly with the people I argued with online at get togethers or parties and whatnot. And never failed to get them to see my point of view. Maybe not agree with me but it didn’t descend into namecalling and, make no mistake, online they hated my guts. In the JR Ewing sense, I was the avatar they loved to hate and I earned every bit of it.

    I always paid in cash and never used my real name. But that was back in the days that I refer to as The Error of Good Feelings. I have never had any doubt about who or what liberals are or what they are capable of doing.

    In person, I can change their minds or at least expand it a little. Online, I never changed a single person’s stance once.

  3. Anonymous, I have two cats and can’t explain to them not to fight over two separate bowls of the same cat food that sit a foot apart. Condensation would be a much much larger challenge that is not on the horizon for me. I have concluded that they must have liberal brain function limits that have blocked up their common sense circuitry.

  4. I still fail to see how Trump paying money to SOMEONE ELSE can be a campaign finance violation. The morning news people were all on the verge of orgasm over the “impending” impeachment.

  5. Even Dale Carnegie wrote before the invention of the internet, “you can’t win an argument”. I have seen this proven so on the internet over and over. No one is listening to the other side. There is no middle ground. No one believes the other side’s “facts”. Each side thinks the other side is retarded or evil.

  6. Oh, come on, now!, @BFH. Have you ever, have you ever known anyone who, have you ever even heard of anyone who, ever, even once, got a “ticket” for some completely made up “alternative facts”? And, if they bothered to state the facts, under oath, in a court of… well, something… were told, in the stentorian tones of Judge Paulie, “Fnck you! Pay me!”

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